Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Earn a GED at Home for Free

Understand that there are many colleges and universities around the country that offer virtual GED classes online. These classes are funded through federal and state grants that are earmarked for GED programs. There is no cost to you.
Contact state colleges and universities in your area, and speak to the registrar. Specifically ask whether their school has been awarded grant money for free GED programs. If not, move on to the next school. Remember, these are virtual classes that are taken online, and it is not imperative that you apply to a school in your home state.
When you have located a college or university that offers a free GED program, fill out the admissions forms online, making sure that your contact information is correct, including a valid email address. An online program will require you to do this process entirely online, although toll-free numbers are usually provided should you need additional assistance.
There are online programs that offer free GED pre-tests and preparatory exams. These free services ensure that you will be prepared to take the actual GED exam when the time comes for certification. See Resources for additional information on where these free services can be found.
Utilize the free services that are available to help you prepare for the GED certification exam. Study during quiet times when there are no distractions, and right before you go to bed in the evening. Your mind will process what you have learned while you sleep. Remember, there is no need to pay for the GED exam when there are state and federal grant programs available to assist people in need.
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How to Earn After Retirement

Create a post-retirement budget, if you have not already done so. Knowing exactly how much you are spending in retirement allows you to set an earnings goal and determine how much extra money you need to bring in.
Add up all your sources of post-retirement earnings, including earnings from certificates of deposit, money market funds, stock dividends and other sources of income. Also include the monthly amount of any pensions or Social Security payments you receive. Add up your monthly income from all these sources and compare those earnings to the amount you need to live comfortably in retirement.
Seek out employment opportunities in your former field if you still have contacts at your former employer, or similar firms. You might be able to find consulting work, or part time contract positions, to help you make up any shortfall in your monthly income.
Check for temporary employment opportunities in your area. Temporary employment can be a good way for retirees to get a foot in the door at local companies, or to try out several different types of work. Many temp agencies provide temporary to permanent positions, as well as traditional temporary assignments, and some agencies even specialize in helping older workers re-enter the workforce.
Seek out ways to turn your favorite hobby into a small business. If your retirement has given you a chance to improve your golf game, perhaps you could give lessons at the local country club. If you are an accomplished photographer, you might be able to teach a photography course at the local community college. Turning what you love to do anyway into a side business is a great way to earn money in retirement and have a wonderful time doing it.
Consider selling items on eBay as a way to clean out your closet and make some extra money. Not only will you clear up some storage space, but you will also get an idea which products sell the best. Armed with that information, you can use your ample free time to scour yard sales, flea markets and rummage sales for great finds. Joining the ranks of eBay entrepreneurs can also keep you active and engaged.
Sign up for a number of freelance websites and look for projects that fit your background and interests. You spent your career gathering knowledge, and others are willing to pay you for what you know. Freelance sites can be a great way to increase your earning power and use the skills you have acquired.
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How to Make Samoan Money Leis

Get fresh new bills from the bank. Don't use crumpled, limp, torn, or dirty bills for the lei.
Lay each bill out and fold it accordion style in ¼ inch segments.
Tie the ribbon around the center of the bill and knot it twice.
Slide a silk flower onto the ribbon and then tie on the next folded bill. Alternate flowers and bills until you have used up all the bills. You can also alternate pieces of origami paper, folded in the same way as the bills, between the bills and/or flowers.
Tie the ends of the ribbon together with a double knot. Let the bills fan out.
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How to Earn Money at Home on the Weekends

Offer to babysit the children of relatives or friends. This lets you remain at home, learn important parenting skills, and earn extra money. Be sure to pay attention to any special instructions from the parents, such as dietary restrictions for their kids.
Make homemade greeting cards using your computer. Once you've made a few samples, you can try to market them to acquaintances at community centers, schools, churches and other venues. You can also see if any nearby stores are interested in carrying them. This has the potential to become a full-time enterprise once you build a strong clientele.
Hold a garage sale, preferably one with a clever hook to lure customers. For example, if you have a lot of 1960s-era vinyl record albums lying around, you can advertise your yard sale as one where buyers might find rare finds from Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin or the Temptations. This is a good way to set your yard sale apart from the pack and draw more people.
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How to Become an eBook Dealer

Sign up as an affiliate or reseller for affiliate program networks with large selections of e-books such as ClickBank, E-Junkie or PayDotCom. These networks provides a marketplace where authors list their e-books and affiliate marketers sell the e-books listed.
Choose a topic that interests you and with which you are familiar. Search or browse through the affiliate network's directory or marketplace to find e-books related to your chosen topic. For each e-book of interest, analyze the information offered including sales price, affiliate commission and e-book description. Click on the name of the e-book to read a detailed description and to visit its promotional webpage.
Search for the e-book title surrounded by quotes followed by the word 'review' in popular search engines such as Google or Yahoo. Read through a sample of search results to determine customer satisfaction with the e-book purchase.
Generate a custom affiliate link for each e-book you wish to promote. In order to credit affiliates for e-book sales, the affiliate network creates a link that embeds the affiliate identification number within the e-book seller's webpage link. Follow the affiliate network's instructions on link creation.
Create a website to promote your chosen e-books. Build a homepage that describes your chosen topic and includes navigational links to to e-book listings. Create a webpage for each e-book with detailed information and pricing. Link to the e-book seller's webpage using your custom link created in Step 4.
Promote your e-book website using online channels such as website directories, social networks, forums and paid search listings. Track sales through your affiliate network and remove e-books from your site that do not sell. Update your website and keep your visitors interested by frequently listing new e-books for sale.
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How to Make and Sell Crafts , Great Teen Money Maker

If your teen is always asking for money to shop, go out with friends, etc., but you just can't afford to hand out cash, suggest that your kid make his or her own money. This idea may intrigue your teen, but, just the same, be prepared to field some frustrated questions and excuses. Now, if your teen is creative and likes art or craft projects, explain how he or she can make money making handmade cool crafts and sell them to friends, after school, or even online!
Brainstorm with your teen to come up with a good craft with a low start-up cost that will be a popular item to sell. Think of craft items that people your teen knows and would be willing and excited to buy.
Zipper pulls for backpacks (every kid has a backpack)
Marshmallow guns (sold at flea market for 800% profit at Chrismas)
Bottlecap jewelry (also got 2 local boutiques to sell on consignment)
Guitar pick earrings (sold very well at school and local music shops)
Fancy hair ribbon accessories (sold at baby and kid shop)
Obviously, your teen will need to borrow some start-up money to shop for tools and craft supplies. Guide your teen to find the best prices on these items. This is a great time to work with your kid on learning to comparison shop. Start small so you are not putting out a lot of money before you know if your craft product will sell. Make a contract with your teen for scheduled repayment of your loan.
Teach your teen to keep records of inventory, crafted products made and sold, and who bought the items. This can really be helpful in future marketing.
Explain that they can take advance orders for their products, but should never hand over the goods until the order is paid. One exception: selling goods at a reputable consignment shop.
Give away a few products. If you are selling Guitar Pick earrings, give a pair to the lady who works at the counter. People will see her wearing them and want some for themselves. Give some bottle cap zipper pulls to the varsity cheerleaders. It won't be long before everybody at school wants them!
If your teen's business is taking off, encourage him or her to open an online shop, like Ebay or ETSY.
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How to Get Paid for a Social Site

Charge a registration fee. People always prefer free sites, but if you have something to offer that other social sites don’t, people will pay to use it. You can offer a trial period or offer free registration or charge only for extra features.
Charge for banner space. If you have a lot of traffic, people will want to advertise their business on your site. Place a message on any page of your site to let visitors know about the option and add an 'Advertise with us' page with prices and other relevant information, including means of contacting you.
Sign up for Google Adsense or any other contextual advertising program. These programs use targeted marketing by searching for keywords and providing site owners with adds that are relevant to the content on their site. Site owners receive a payment every time a visitor clicks on an add. It's very easy to sign up and placing adds on your pages is as simple as copying and pasting pieces of code.
Sign up for an affiliate marketing program. There are many affiliate marketing programs available. These programs work similarly to contextual advertising, but instead of advertising ads, you promote products and services. Many affiliate programs require your visitors to actually buy the product or fill out a form for you to receive payment. Read the affiliate agreement thoroughly to determine which affiliate program is right for you.
Sell your site. If you built a social site and don’t want to run it, offer it for sale. This is usually the last step, as you will most likely have to show proof of significant traffic and revenue to any potential buyer in order to get a decent offer. You can offer your site for sale on the site itself or through websites such as WebsiteBroker, DealaSite or even Ebay. Before you list it, do your research to determine how much your website is worth.
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How to Get a Money Tree in 'Sims 3' (9 Steps)

Visit the Cemetery, Science Facility or Military Base in your city to search for seeds on the ground.
Hover your mouse over any seed you see. If the seed label reads 'Unknown Special Seed, Rarity: Special' it could be a Money Tree seed. A few other plants, such as Life Plant and Flame Fruit, fall into this category as well.
Click on the seed and select the command 'Pick Up.' The seed goes into the personal inventory of your Sim.
Return to your home and click your Sim's inventory button.
Click the Unknown Special seed and click the command 'Plant' or 'Plant Many' if you found more than one.
Click the ground outside your home to tell your Sim where to plant the seed(s).
Click the mound(s) where you planted the seed(s) every day and select the command 'Tend Garden' to tell your Sim to take care of the growing plant(s).
Repeat step 7 until the seed sprouts and matures. When it is has grown for about five Sim-days, hover your mouse over the plant to learn what it is. A money tree has a distinct peachy-pink foliage that you can instantly differentiate from any fruit tree.
Repeat all steps until you grow a Money Tree from an Unknown Special seed.
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How to talk your mom into saying yes (6 Steps)

Just ask. Many kids fret for weeks over a new possession, an activity or sleepover out of fear that mom will say 'No.' You may be getting yourself worked up for no reason whatsoever. If there is something you really want, just ask.
Earn it. If what you want involves money you may want to try earning all or part of the money. Ask your parents what you can do around the house to earn some extra money or help pay for what you want. You can also ask if you can earn they money by doing jobs for your neighbors. What you don’t want to do is to neglect your previously assigned chores in your effort to earn money.
Prove yourself. If the thing you want is a pet you may need to first prove to your parents that you are ready for the responsibility that comes along with the animal. You can prove you are ready for a dog by taking care of a fish, or walking and feeding a neighbors dog while they are on vacation. You may first ask your mother if you can pet sit for a relative for a few days.
Be transparent. If you want to go to a party, and your parents are saying 'No' you need to give your parents all of the details of the party to prove that it is safe. This might mean introducing your parents to the chaperones. This might mean giving your parents the itinerary for the party so they know what you will be doing and when. This may even mean letting your parents drop you off and staying for a while (even if it means sitting in the car) until they are comfortable that you will be safe. If there are details about a party that you don’t want your parents to know about, chances are they have a good reason to say 'No.'
Bargain with her. Your mother may give in and buy you that purse, or let you go to that concert if you do something for her. Help with housework to make her life easier and she will be glad to buy items for you. Baby-sit your younger sibling so she can go out, and she will have no problem with sending you to a concert.
Pick your battles. Don’t constantly bombard your mother with requests. If you do, her resolve to say 'No' will become even stronger. If you can say to her, 'I seldom ask for anything, but this is really important to me,' you may have a stronger case.
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How to Earn Income From Home

Choose what you would like to do for a living. You don't have a boss when you work from home, so you need to enjoy your work or else you may have trouble motivating yourself to do it. Consider what activities --- writing, web design or babysitting, for example --- you could do all day.
Search job listings for at-home opportunities for the work you want to do. The websites Craigslist, Indeed and Simply Hired post jobs, as does your local newspaper. Reply to listings that interest you with a resume or detail of your expertise. Be prepared to provide references.
Make your own job opportunity if there are none that interest you in job listings. Decide where you'll find clients --- for example, with local publications if you want to be a writer --- and brainstorm about how you will advertise your business.
Visit your local Small Business Administration office to learn what permits or fees are necessary to work from home in your area. Whether you contract to work with someone else's business or start your own, the SBA will help you make sure you're earning income legally. Otherwise, you may face fines.
Set boundaries for your workspace in your home. Set aside a specific space where you'll do business. Inform friends and family of your working hours and ask that they interrupt you as seldom as possible during that time. Working from home allows you flexibility you don't have in a typical workplace, but without order, you can't hope to be productive.
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How to Make Money Writing Online

Start a blog. Bloggers earn money writing online by creating relevant blog posts on a specific topic or niche. They insert advertising revenue and affiliate revenue links to products. When their readers click a link or buy a product, they earn revenue for the referral. Bloggers need a lot of good content and a growing audience to make significant amounts of money.
Sell your work. Many websites on the Internet are looking for content writers to write articles for them. These websites such as Textbroker, Writer's Access and eCopyWriters pay upfront for writers to generate website content based on a certain title and keywords. Other sites like Constant Content allow writers to upload their articles for their clients to buy.
Earn passive revenue. Upload distinctive articles and blog posts to content farm websites such as HubPages, Squidoo and Yahoo! Voices. These websites pay you based on the amount of page views your content generates, ad revenue or a combination of both.
Self-publish an e-book. Self-publishing using venues such as Amazon Kindle, Smashwords and Apple's iBooks allows authors to write their novels or books and sell them online. You set your own prices and do your own marketing for your work.
Bid on private contracts. Online marketplaces such as Guru, Elance and oDesk allow writers to bid on jobs. An employer needs something written. He creates a job on his marketplace of choice. Writers make bid proposals for how much money they charge and the duration of the job. When an employer awards a job, the writer completes the job and gets paid.
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How to Earn Money Blogging (5 Steps)

Sign up for advertising sites like Google AdSense, Chitika or Kontera to add advertising links to your blog. When one of your readers clicks on the link, money is paid into your account. Never click on your own links.
Sign up for affiliate marketing websites like Linkshare, ClickBank, Shareasale and Google Affiliate Network. You'll need an established blog with several blog posts to qualify for most affiliate partnerships. Whenever someone clicks an affiliate link on your website and purchases a product from your affiliate partner, you receive a commission.
Sell advertising spots on your blog to companies. Once you have incoming traffic and growing popularity, approach companies that fit with your blog topic. Offer advertising space on your website for a specific monthly price. This type of advertising differs from a program like Google AdSense, which only pays when someone clicks. Selling ad revenue guarantees monthly income.
Turn your blog into an e-book. Companies such as Amazon, Apple and Smashwords allow authors to self-publish their work on their electronic platforms. Assemble your blog content into an e-book using their formatting guidelines. Advertise your e-book to your blog traffic and on your social media networks to generate sales.
Sell your own products on your blog. Technology bloggers may want to sell WordPress templates or their own programming applications. Sell your expertise using a membership site. Fashion bloggers with craft experience can create crafts, jewelry and clothing to sell. Figure out what your skills are and sell them on your website.
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How to Earn Crowns on 'Wizard101' Without Subscribing

Log in to your Wizard 101 account. Wizard 101 offers pay--to--play areas inside the Spiral, but several areas are free to non--members.
Look for the icon of a handshake in the upper right--hand corner of your game screen. This icon is a link to the refer--a--friend program.
Click on the icon. You will be directed to enter your friends' names and email addresses.
Confirm the invitations to play Wizard 101.
Wait for your friends to accept the invitation. Once your friends accept your Wizard 101 invite and purchases $10 in crowns, you are both rewarded with 1,250 crowns.
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How to Earn Money Scanning Grocery Store Items

Be a cashier, the most obvious way to make money scanning grocery items. You need to have good math and customer service skills to do this job. You should be able to quickly scan items while carrying on a polite conversation with the customer.
Get promoted from your cashier job to grocery store manager. Many managers start their careers scanning grocery items. Some companies track how quickly and efficiently their cashiers scan items, and seek out those who exceed company expectations for promotion.
Take inventory. Several large grocery chains hire independent companies to take inventory on a regular basis. As an employee for an inventory company, you scan the grocery items and reconcile the store numbers to your store numbers.
Work in the quality control department for a manufacturer of grocery items. You need to scan the items to ensure that they are up to company standards. This could include randomly testing items or visually scanning items as they pass by you on a conveyor belt.
Watch the scanner as a consumer. You can follow the age old adage, 'A penny saved is a penny earned.' It's fairly common for companies to put items on sale but miss changing the price in the scanning system, so watch for discrepancies. You can save money by paying attention and getting the correct price.
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How to Make Money With Weight Loss

Sign up for a free blog with a provider such as TypePad, Blogspot or Wordpress. A blog is a simple-to-use website, which you will use to post affiliate ads from weight-loss companies. Give your blog a title related to health, weight loss, dieting, nutrition or exercise, since these are things likely to interest the target market for the ads you will place.
Learn about the products various weight-loss companies offer to determine which you would feel comfortable advertising to people. The federal government provides a website you can use to evaluate companies' claims about their products. My Food Diary, eDiets, Joe Bucks, Diet and Free Weight Loss are just some companies that have affiliate programs.
Read the terms of the affiliate program for each company whose products you like. Pay attention to the company's requirements to pay you, for example 'per click' on an ad from your website or 'per sale' from the ad. Sign up for affiliate accounts with as many companies as you can without violating the terms.
Place affiliate ads on the sidebars of your blog. The Federal Trade Commission requires you to state plainly that you receive compensation for placing these ads, so type a disclaimer near the ads.
Make several blog posts related to the subject you chose in step 1, each with a descriptive title and filled with keywords. Doing so will make your blog easier to find through search engines. Use natural language, though, because using too many keywords and unusual phrases will turn off visitors. Publish the posts to make them visible to others.
Contact bloggers who write blogs similar to yours and ask to do guest posts. A guest post is a post you write for another blogger to publish on his blog, which attracts the blogger's audience to your blog. Write an original piece for each blogger.
Link to your blog in the comments you leave on other blogs, in your e-mail signatures and forum signatures. The more people visit your blog, the more money you can make from the weight-loss ads.
Repeat step 5 at least once a week to keep your blog's content fresh. Readers may stop visiting if they see that you don't blog often.
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How to Earn Money Selling Friendship Bracelets

Purchase cotton embroidery floss and cotton yarn in brilliant colors. Look for sales at craft and discount stores. Coordinate the colors when making your selection.
Research friendship bracelets in craft books and online. Look at different sites that sell bracelets and check out the patterns, color combinations and any interesting variations.
Practice making the bracelets. Make them one-of-a-kind and unlike anything else available. Learn a variety of knots and then combine them to create unique patterns. Add beads or charms to the bracelets. Slide them up on the threads and continue knotting.
Make friendship bracelets using the school colors. Create a line of 'birthday' bracelets using the color of the birthstone (purple for February, green for May, etc.) with matching colored beads added.
Create identical pairs of friendship bracelets. Make them at the same time, side by side on the clipboard or foam core board so that they are perfectly matched. Sell them to best friends or couples.
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How to Be Your Own VoIP Provider (4 Steps)

Research several VoIP hosts. Their service must be reliable and consistent in order to successfully sell it over time. Stick to reputable and trusted companies such as QuantumVoice and Net2Phone.
Choose a host whose service, agreement and costs align with your budget and preferences. If you want to manage as much of the business as possible, avoid turn-key options which handle most of the technical work for you.
Invest the proper time and money into your business. You may have to learn about technical systems or hire an IT professional to help you best promote your products and provide customer service. Many hosts offer training and materials to aid in these efforts.
Market your VoIP service. Regardless of which type of reseller package you choose, nearly all of the marketing responsibility is yours. Start by advertising your new services to your existing clients, offer an introductory rate, referral credits or an affiliate program. Always market creatively.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to Get Money for Free (4 Steps)

You can find money for free in all kinds of places. Some of my favorites are the couch, the dryer, my own pockets and junk drawers. The reality is that the change that collects in these places rarely makes it out and almost never makes it into your bank account. Make it a point as you are on the couch watching Bonanza to stick your hand down in the cushions and see what you find.
Find it. Pay phones and vending machines have a little slot where the change drops out if you put too much cash in. This is a great place to get money for free as people often don't bother to grab their dime or nickel or whatever. Also, as you walk around, especially in malls and department stores, keep your eyes on the ground. There is change and even bills kicking around all the time, you just don't notice it. The great thing is that this does not require any extra effort.
Ask for it. In order for this to fit into the theme of the article, you will have to do this randomly as you go throughout your day. That's the most effective way anyway plus it keeps you from appearing as a transient.
Clean the car. Seriously, it needs it anyway. Make it a point to clean out the pennies from underneath the seat. Even pennies add up. Stick your hands down in all the crevices. You never know where you will find money for free.
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How to Get 10,000 Swagbucks

Invite your friends and earn up to 1,000 Swag Bucks per referral. Click on the 'Promote' button at the top of your Swag Bucks toolbar. Select one of the email options. The 'Find Your Contacts' button will search AOL, Gmail, Yahoo, Plaxo or Outlook Express email accounts. Swagbucks will send an email inviting your contacts to register and earn Swag Bucks. Choose the 'Enter Email Addresses Manually' button to enter your friends' email addresses and a personal message.
Earn 10 Swag Bucks for every free coupon you print and redeem at your local supermarket or drugstore. Choose the 'Coupon Menu' button from the Earn category. Check the boxes of the coupons you want to redeem. Print them out, and redeem them at the store.
Earn points by playing Swag Bucks games. Review the wide assortment of online games, including Crazy Taxi, Crusher, Word Chain Plus and Hungry Snake. Click 'Play Now' for the game title you like, and play for free. You are eligible to earn Swag Bucks for each game. You can also enter a tournament for a chance to earn big points.
Trade in your old cell phones, MP3 players, games, consoles and books for Swag Bucks. Choose the 'Trade-In' button on the Swag Bucks toolbar. Look up your cell phone, game console, etc. Print a prepaid shipping label and trade-in receipt. Put your item in a shipping package, and mail with label affixed. You will receive Swag Bucks upon receipt of your electronics.
Find limited daily deals from local and national retailers. Earn points with each purchase. Select 'Daily Deals' from the Swag Bucks toolbar. Review the most popular offers from Tippr, Groupon, Eversave, HomeRun and Mertado. Click 'Continue' to be redirected to the deal website. Click 'Buy Now' to input your credit card information. After your order is processed you will earn Swag Bucks.
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How to Get Sponsored on Youtube (5 Steps)

Get a large subscriber base. The only way to get more subscribers is to put more quality content onto Youtube. Having a large subscriber base will not be instantaneous. It will take time. Make sure to use a camcorder that allows you to record clear video content. Entertain your subscribers, but make sure that are you connecting with them as well.
Have a business email on your Youtube channel for business inquiries. After you have acquired a large following, then the email connected to your Youtube account will be regularly assaulted with Youtube messages, video, comments and friend request notifications. A separate business email posted on your Youtube channel will help you stay organized.
Do not put up questionable material on your channel. Sponsors will be very wary of users that curse excessively or are putting up questionable material on their channels. Youtube has a comprehensive list of rules and regulations that you can tap into for guidance. Check the Resource section for a link.
Don't get your channel deleted. You cannot get sponsored if your Youtube channel has had strikes for questionable content. Do not post unauthorized music on the channel. Likewise, do not post nude pictures or videos on Youtube. Youtube will terminate your account and revoke your Youtube partnership with Google. This will not look good to future sponsorship opportunities.
Send query letters and emails to video sponsors. In the letter, make sure to note how you and your Youtube channel are marketable. Tell them how many views you get on a daily basis, the amount of subscribers you have and the unique attributes that sets your Youtube channel apart from other video content on the website. In other words, go after companies that can make a profit off of you to seal a sponsorship deal.
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How to Make Extra Income Using Your Computer (7 Steps)

Write and edit articles for an online publication. Many websites hire freelance writers to write articles on particular topics. The specific writing requirements depend on the hiring company. Some articles are strictly for search engine optimization purposes, and other articles aim to provide useful information concerning a particular topic.
Sell your personal items on online auction sites. As a seller, you can list the items you want to auction off or sell, and consumers bid on the items or buy them outright for a predetermined price. This is particularly lucrative if you have a lot of antique or high-end merchandise you don't use. Auction sites such as eBay and Overstock Auctions are viable starting points.
Sell other people's products as an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a commission every time you sell a product that someone else created. Clickbank and Affiliate Bot are online marketplaces that connect affiliate marketers with sellers of products.
Offer services as a virtual assistant. Many business owners and professionals obtain the services of a virtual assistant to help with administrative tasks. All you need to start a virtual assistance business is a computer and the Internet.
Set up a blog. You can use personal websites to discuss various topics to make money. Ways to make money with blogs include placing advertisements on your site and selling affiliate products. Google Adsense has a large online advertisement program that allows blog and website owners to sign up and earn money.
Start a graphic design business. If you have graphic design software and design skills, you can offer your services to individuals and business owners. Some services you can offer include logo design, website design, banner design and marketing products designs.
Provide online tutoring services. If you have a college degree or if you're a college student, you can offer your tutoring services online. Many foreign students pay tutors for lessons in English. You can sign up through a tutoring company or start your own business.
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How to Make Money Composting

Collect compostable goods from businesses for a fee. Just as businesses pay for trash pickup, some will pay for compost pickup if they lack the space or supplies necessary to compost themselves, but wish to engage in the green practice. Market yourself to companies, offering your services as a compostable goods pickup person; you'll only earn some cash, but also acquire more goods to add to your compost pile.
Sell composting products to individuals or small businesses. The rich organic matter that results from successful composting is useful when added to gardens as a fertilizer. Sell the by-product of your composting efforts to neighbors who may wish to green up their garden or yard, or market your offerings to small businesses, particularly those with an eco-friendly focus. They may be eager to us this more organic means of keeping their landscaping green.
Sell composting supplies. If you are a skilled composter, you may be just the person to help others get started in this eco-friendly practice. Create and sell composting supplies, including bins and instruction manuals, to other would-be composters to earn some extra cash while protecting the environment.
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How to Make Easy Money in Pokemon Sapphire

Defeat Normon, the Petalburg Gym Leader. This is part of the storyline in Pokemon Sapphire, so you cannot miss this fight.
Return to Littleroot Town and talk to your mother. She will give you the Amulet Coin.
Equip the Amulet Coin to one of your Pokemon.
Talk to Gabby and Ty on Route 111 to start a battle. These two trainers will move to Route 118 after you defeat them. You will receive substantially less money the first time you defeat them.
Talk to Gabby and Ty on Route 118 to start a battle. Defeating the trainers will cause both to move to Route 120.
Talk to Gabby and Ty on Route 120 to start a battle. The two will return to Route 111 after you defeat them.
Talk to and defeat Gabby and Ty on Route 111, Route 118, and 120 again. This will cause their Pokemon to reach their maximum level. This will in turn cause the amount of money you receive from defeating them to increase substantially.
Defeat Gabby and Ty whenever you need more money. You will receive $7488 each time you beat them, as long as the Pokemon with the Amulet Coin wins the battle. The two will keep rotating between Route 111, Route 118, and Route 120, each time they are defeated.
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How to Earn Free Prizes for Playing Online Games

Click on IWon. Create an account by clicking the 'Register' link. Each time you log into the site, you will be registered for a chance to win real cash and prizes. Play games on the site by clicking on the games link. Take surveys on the site by clicking on the survey link. Each time you log in, play games or take surveys, you will earn points. You can use the points to save toward more games and surveys, or you can cash in the points for prizes. The more times you log into IWon and play games, the better your chances are for winning real prizes.
Click onto GamesVille to play games for prizes. Create an account with the Register link. Then choose a game you would like to play from the menu at the right-hand side. Each time you play a game, you will earn points. After you earn points, you can exchange those points for real prizes. As you play more games, you will earn more points, and win more prizes.
Click on GamesVance. Create an account by registering. Then choose a game you would like to play. Each time you play a game, you will rack up points toward prizes. You can turn in your points for a list of prizes, or you can save them until you play the next time.
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How to Find Ways to Earn Money Immediately

Apply to Textbroker. Textbroker is one of the best ways to earn money immediately. Why? Well, you get paid to write articles. And guess how many articles are currently in queue? Thousands. And all you have to do to have access to them is write sample articles. No resume is required!
Make crafts for New England Crafters. New England Crafters is the next best way to earn money immediately. As a crafter you will create a variety of things ranging from toys to miniature gifts. Of course your crafts will have to pass inspection, but once you get the hang of creating them, this inspection process shouldn't be a problem.
Try Amazon Mturk. Amazon Mturk is another one of the best ways to earn money immediately. Through them you write articles, reviews and in some cases perform data entry work. Best of all, it's open to any member of the public. No resumes or interviews are needed because the assignments are just that easy!
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How to Make Extra Cash Fast: 5 Easy Ways (5 Steps)

Offer freelancing services online. If you can write, you can earn extra money and be paid within a day or so if you have a third party payment account set up. The rates are not fabulous writing web content but you don't need outstanding talent, just the ability to write at the eighth grade level without grammatical or spelling mistakes. Write several articles on different topics in different styles and post them on a free blog. Other freelancing services include graphic design, becoming a virtual assistant and conducting research. Find clients on discussion boards where webmasters congregate. Try warrior's forum, digital point and site point.
Hold a garage sale. Go through your house, closets, drawers and attic for saleable items. Collect clothing in good condition that no longer fits or you're tired of wearing. Clean out the kids' toy box and sporting equipment. Go through the kitchen for house wares and appliances. Price items at about 10 percent of what they cost new. Use stickers for pricing. If you have time, advertise the garage sale in your local paper for a Saturday. Have lots of $1 and $5 bills to make change. Keep the money on your person rather than leaving it in a box where it can be stolen.
Establish a pet and plant sitting service. During summer and the holidays, people go on vacation or travel to be with their families. Let your neighbors, friends and church members know that you'll check on their houses, water their plants and take care of their pets while they're gone for a reasonable fee. Request half of the money before they leave and collect the other half when they return.
Sell furniture, electronic equipment, collectibles, books, china or unusual items on classified ad websites organized by city or on auction sites. Set up accounts at the sites and a method to receive payment. Keep in mind that you'll most likely have to pay for shipping costs so include that in the pricing.
Earn affiliate commissions. If you're active on Facebook, Myspace or Twitter and have a sizeable group of friends or followers, make money by selling products. Even the daily deals companies such as Groupon, LivingSocial and Daily Deal offer, or have offered, an affiliate program. You get paid when anyone buys the coupons or products through your affiliate code. Review books you've read and link to online book sellers with your affiliate link.
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How to Make Money Selling Ringtones (6 Steps)

Get a website. Do this by buying services from a web hosting company such as Blue Host, iPage or Fat Cow. Whatever service you pick, make sure that it is one that allows you to have unlimited traffic. In choosing a domain name, pick something that will appeal to a specific group of consumers.
Open a PayPal account for your website to pay into. PayPal offers services specifically tailored to suit the needs of Internet businesspeople.
Become an affiliate with a content service. It would be basically impossible for you to directly sell copyrighted ringtones on your own, as the publishers do not freely license third parties to sell their songs. This content service will give you a percentage of every ringtone sold through your website.
Pick songs that appeal to the same consumer group that you were aiming to target when you chose your domain name. For instance, if you are targeting teenage girls, pick songs that teenage girls tend to like. If you are targeting snowboarders, pick songs that snowboarders enjoy.
Start an advertising program. The simplest way of doing this is going through a pay-per-click service, such as those offered by Google and Yahoo. Many web hosting companies will give you free points for Google and/or Yahoo advertising. Put a few hundred dollars more into the advertising program on top of this. Another way of increasing traffic to your site is by going to Internet communities or blogs that appeal to your consumer base and posting links.
Continue updating your site. Post new songs, pictures and written content regularly, and find other things to sell as well. This will keep your visitors coming back.
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How to Make Money On Facebook, for free (4 Steps)

Sign up for a Facebook account if you don't already have one. All you need to create an account is a valid email address.
Head to the Cloud Crowd application page. To locate this page, type Cloud Crowd into the search bar.
While still on the Facebook page, click on the tab that says 'Go to Application'. From here you will need to register with cloud crowd for your free account.
Search the available online work programs and select which ones you wish to do. Each job pays a different amount and requires different skills. Once you have completed the project, GET PAID!
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How to Join a Legitimate Affiliate Program

Look for a reputable company -
You can find many dishonest affiliate programs out there. Make sure that you always look for a program that has a good reputation and do a lot of research on the program that you consider joining. The best way to search for this type of information is on the internet, type in the program name in the search bar on a popular search engine such as Google, Yahoo or MSN. You can also add words such as 'review,' 'scam,' 'complaints,' 'results,' etc. next to the name of the program. If you're looking for a real job online, click on the link in my Resources Box below this article to join a great online opportunity.
Join high commission programs -
To make money as an affiliate online, you always need to look for the high paying affiliate programs to join. You deserve fair compensation for each customer that you bring to the company. Each customer is very valuable to your affiliate company as a satisfied customer will be likely to purchased additional products and services directly from the company. There is a great chance that the company will keep 100% of profits in this case scenario, so it's only fair for you to receive the highest commission possible on the initial sales generated by you. Good resources to look for high paying, legitimate affiliate programs are:, and join a legitimate work from home opportunity online, click on the link in my Resources Box below this article.
Sell quality products and services -
When choosing an affiliate company that you will refer people to, make sure to offer the highest quality of products and services possible. If you offer poor quality products, the people that you refer might feel that you are responsible personally for referring them to those products or services. It's always good practice to personally research and test the products, even before you start referring anyone to purchase them. Any legitimate affiliate program will be based around selling quality products and services. To earn money online, join the opportunity listed in my Resources Box below to start earning today.
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How to Make Extra Money Each Month (13 Steps)

Inventory your personal skills and talents. Ask people who know you well to do the same. Think outside the box for skills that may not seem marketable. Take a skills assessment test at your local employment office, which will give you an inventory of potential jobs that match your skills.
Note the time slots you have available to work. Consider the effects on your family, if applicable. Categorize potential jobs in order of preference, matching preferred jobs with available time slots.
Apply for the preferred jobs with the pretext of working a maximum number of hours. Discuss your specific availability during the interview process to avoid conflicts later.
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How to Earn Money on a Small Acreage (5 Steps)

Create a garden and sell the produce at a local Farmer's Market, to local restaurants, or straight from your home. This idea does require lots of hard work and extra time, but it's a good alternative for someone who already works from home or has recently lost a job. It may take several years to create a successful crop, but if you love the outdoors, this can be a rewarding endeavor.
Rent farm land out to local farmers. There are numerous ways that you can rent this land out to be farmed. You can charge a flat rental fee (per year), or rent and royalties on earnings from crops produced on your parcel of land, or any other agreement that suits both you and the other party. You will need to have a contract in place, so you may want the services of a lawyer. Once you have a template contract, however, you can use it multiple times.
Convert the land into a lot for a mobile home. Depending on your budget, you could even purchase a mobile home, so that you can earn money renting the land and mobile home. This, of course, can get costly if you have to install plumbing, sewer, water sources, and so on, so it will take lots of planning and legwork. Weigh the cost against the potential income for years to come, and also factor in whether you really want to be a landlord or not.
Start a Christmas tree farm. The income will not be immediate, and it may take a considerable amount of cash to get it started, but if you plan accordingly and replant trees as the older ones are taken down, you can have income for decades to come!
Take land that is aesthetically pleasing and turn it into a prime location for small outdoor weddings. If your budget allows and there is space to do so, construct a shelter with fireplaces and grills for outdoor parties. You may also want to turn a portion of the land into a parking lot. This endeavor will require some regular maintenance, landscaping, and advertising costs. In addition, you will need to know zoning laws, consider where the land is located, carry insurance, and utilize an event contract.
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How to Earn Online with Making Private Label Products

Create a product that's greatly in demand. Some research might be needed to achieve this goal. The internet is a great resource to help you discover what's in demand right now. Scores of private individuals and companies actually state out their demands; you just need to find the right websites.
Find out what people really want and need and create a product that satisfies them, you'll be on track to making money. Once you've created a product that meets a demand, finding the buyer will be the next task on the list. Most people advertise selling their product rights through websites. A website usually won't be enough to win buyers over though, you'll have to be ready to answer tough questions from prospective buyers.
Finally, selling product rights may sometimes require a contract or an agreement. Working a contract or an agreement with buyers can be at times tedious. Some sellers insert restrictions in these contracts that limit the way a product can be manipulated or sold.
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How to Find Jobs for Kids Under 16

Determine whether or not your state requires teens to have working papers to begin employment. Your child's school counselor can help you find out and also provide you with the necessary paperwork, if need be.
Learn the types of jobs that 14 and 15 year olds can legally perform, and seek out those part-time positions first. According to U.S. Department of Labor regulations, children ages 14 and 15 can work in retail occupations, intellectual or creative work such as tutoring or playing an instrument, non-vehicular delivery work, yard work, food service work and light manual labor, to name a few options.
Check the daily newspaper and online job listing sites to search for appropriate part-time work.
Take your child around your town to seek out appropriate positions that might not be advertised. Visit mall vendors to see if anyone is hiring, stop in at local gas stations to inquire about part-time work or check with restaurants to find out if help is wanted.
Have your teen check with friends, teachers, family members, neighbors or other trusted individuals to see if anyone knows of a job opportunity or can provide a potential job lead.
Consider encouraging your child to self-advertise any special skills or abilities that might help him earn money through work. If your teen is good at doing the yard work, for example, it might pay off for him to advertise his services in a local newspaper or go around the neighborhood with homemade flyers advertising his services, weekend hours and pay rate. If your daughter excels at a certain subject or is good with younger children, she might be able to arrange a paid tutoring or babysitting schedule with parents from your community. Pet walking, car washing and errand services can also become appropriate, paid job opportunities for young teens.
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How to Make Extra Money From Hobby Welding Projects

Decide what type of welding projects you really enjoy and are good at making. As you continue welding, of course, you will develop more; begin, however, with a few great objects you know you can make well, and that are appealing in their design. Yard ornaments of any kind are often popular, as well as utilitarian objects like umbrella holders. You can also look into pieces that are both functional and ornamental; examples include metal trellis (which can be leaned on a wall and used as support for a vine), plus garden gates and house numbers.
Find a good source for materials. The last thing you want to do is start receiving orders and then run out of the materials you need to fulfill those orders. Find a good supplier or other source for the metal you use in your welding projects.
Make several of each design that you want to sell--perhaps two or three of each object.
Get business cards made with your contact information (name, phone number, email address, and home or workshop address, if desired) so you can easily get your name out to people who are interested.
Find a local venue as a tryout for selling your products. Check the community calendar for upcoming events that include vendors; there might be a flea market or craft fair you can take part in. If the holidays are near, find out if there are any seasonal bazaars in the area. If you can't find any such events, look into renting a booth at an antique store or craft market for a month or so.
Contact local retail shops about selling your welded projects. You can either sell to the businesses at a wholesale cost and let them sell at retail prices, or you can make a commission-based arrangement, in which you simply take a percentage of the retail price once the object sells.
Consider setting up a website. It's a good way for people to see the products you have to offer, where you'll be selling those products, and how they can place orders for custom work.
Take orders for custom work as they come in. Be sure to price fairly for the time and research you will spend on design and gathering materials, as well as the actual welding work.
Expand your skills by developing new designs and using new materials. Use the orders for custom work as inspiration for new welding projects; you've already spent time on the custom design, and you can make slight adjustments and have a new product to offer.
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How to Make Money in High School (4 Steps)

Offer landscaping services. High school students of all ages can charge family, friends and neighbors --- solicit them directly, or post flyers on neighborhood bulletin boards --- for basic services such as mowing the lawn, trimming hedges and weeding gardens. Required equipment may vary depending on your specific tasks, but the basics, such as a lawn mower, may be available from your parents or for rent from a local nursery. The homeowner may even own his own lawn mower that you can simply use.
Apply for a temporary job during the summer, a season when many employers are willing to hire high school students. Options include serving in a restaurant or working in a coffee shop. To beat the traditional summer rush, CNN Money recommends applying for such jobs before May or June --- that's when many high school students are competing for the same positions. Instead, apply in the late spring and offer to immediately start working on weekends and at night.
Sell your old stuff. High school students can amass a mind-boggling quantity of accessories, gadgets and clothing, some of which other people may find valuable. Options include posting the items in an online auction, or placing an ad in the classifieds. For example, even old game cartridges from vintage video game systems can fetch a few dollars today.
Market your talents, such as your skill for writing or design. Many high school students can turn their interests and hobbies into paying freelance gigs, while simultaneously gaining experience that can look great on a resume. For example, a teen with a love for the English language can offer her editing skills to local businesses, restaurants and other institutions.
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How to Earn a PHD in Business Administration

Locate properly accredited U.S. and international business schools on the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) website. Find out how the schools rank internationally and in the United States, by reading the US News and World report annual ranking guide. This report also provides useful information about selecting a school that is a good academic and social fit for you.
Register to take the GMAT and prepare for it by purchasing study guides or checking them out of your local library. Get current information about scheduled exam dates in your area and download free exam practice software at the MBA website.
Secure fellowships or get loan information from the school's financial aid office. The Department of Homeland Security has fellowships for business degrees that the government considers crucial to our nation's security interests. The Ph.D. Project provides information for minorities about fellowships and assistance with the application process.
Select 3 to 5 schools and complete the application process by sending test scores, transcripts and other required documents.
Complete the required courses. Depending on your chosen specialization, this can take 2 to 3 years.
Conduct qualifying research and complete a dissertation to become eligible to receive your Ph.D. degree. Allow up to 2 additional years to complete your dissertation.
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How to Market to the Wealthy (4 Steps)

Provide high quality goods and services. The wealthy have the money to buy the best and are not afraid to use it. They know that buying fewer quality items is cheaper over the long run than buying many inferior ones. Invest in your product to offer the best value.
Make a good first impression with your product or service. While lesser folk walk into shabby stores or buy utilitarian devices designed without aesthetic appeal, the wealthy need not. Your product or service should physically reflect good taste and understatement. Hire artists or designers to provide this element if you cannot.
Build a relationship with your customers. Whatever you market to the wealthy, you are really selling superior service-intimate knowledge of the customer and ability to solve problems with your service. Whether paper clips, investing services or a jet plane, your product must speak to the customer's needs.
Spend money to make money. Because the wealthy are a savvy, even jaded, group, use your marketing budget to make friends who themselves will influence people. If you are selling a small pocket item, give it away to several high profile actors or buy product placement in a film. If you are selling a service, leverage wealthy investors who can suggest potential customers and help introduce your product in that circle. Hire people with connections to advise you or advertise at a high-profile charity event. If your product--and you--reflect quality and integrity, your shot at the market will likely produce results.
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Monday, September 28, 2015

How to Learn the Value of Money (5 Steps)

Don't use credit cards. When you use credit cards, you don't feel the immediate cost impact of your purchase. When you pay for all of your expenses with cash, you see it quickly diminish and realize how quickly the cost of things add up.
Make a budget and stick to it. Set an allotment for donations to charity and set aside up to 10 percent for savings if you can afford it. Evaluate your budget every week and see how much you have strayed off course or how well you have done.
Talk to people who don't have a lot of money. If you have enough money that you can afford almost everything you want, it may be hard to understand the value of money. Ask someone who doesn't have a lot of money how he is able to pay the bills.
Earn an income and figure out how long it takes to earn the money to buy something. If you make 10 dollars per hour, when you go to buy something that costs 30 dollars, such as a nice dinner out, think about how it took more than three hours of work to pay for that dinner.
Look at your paycheck and add up what percentage goes to pay for taxes. Consider what those taxes could have purchased if you had the money. You will see how quickly money is spent without even knowing it. You don't have a choice about taxes, but this should encourage you to make the best choices with the money you do have.
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How to Become Successful In Affiliate Marketing For 'Newbies'

For the 'newbies', it is the easiest, fastest ways to make money online. It is your promotion of products that businesses want to sell. You are marketing their products for them and are paid while promoting and selling for them. Here are few simple ways to become successful in affiliate marketing:
1 Research - Seek out the products that really interest you. Knowing your product will be easier to tell and explain to people what your are 'selling'. Look for 'digital' products (i.e. eBooks, reports, etc) this way there is not stock piling and the commissions can be as high as 75% vs. the stock piling and lower commission rates. Above all, make sure your product is of high quality. If you can, purchase that product, use it; turn it upside down to see if it is worth it. This decreases returns. Find your niche. Go to search engines, check out what people are looking for. Learn to research on line. Use a keyword research tool. Google has a very good 'keyword' research tool.
2 Register for Networks for Affiliate Programs - Some good ones are Clickbank, Commission Junction and PayDotcom. These networks handle all payments that affiliates will receive. In other words, this is how you are paid. Note, this is a good place to research the products that you would like to promote
3 Product Promotion (Trafficking) - The best way to promote your product is to create targeted traffic to the product that you are promoting. Lead people to the affiliate website (link) through the use of AdWords, articles, blogs, forums. Become a social networker. Make friends, promote your affiliate products, and make money. I will say, do not sell, sell, but make friends first become trustful, let them ask you what you do and how you are doing with your business.
4 Finally, after all of the researching, registering and promotion sit back, relax, take a deep breath and watch your bank account grow.
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How to Promote an Affiliate Product on a Site

Promote products that directly relate to your website's content. You will have better luck earning money from an affiliate that relates to the copy on your site. Advertising a new phone probably won't earn you much money if your site is about dogs, for instance.
Try to promote the product by incorporating it into your website's text. This is most easily done if you have a blog. You can write a quick product review or personally recommend a product.
Use graphic links that work with the design of your site. If you just slap a banner ad at the top of your page, it's less likely to get click-throughs than a smaller ad that works within the design.
Start an opt-in email list to send emails to prospective buyers. This is a good chance to personally recommend a product with links to your site or to the affiliate.
Pick ads that offer a discount or freebie. Some affiliate programs let you set a special coupon price, while others offer the same discounts to all affiliates. The more exclusive your offer seems, the more likely a visitor is to click on the link.
Consider using outside ad programs, like Google Adwords, to promote your affiliate link. Be sure this type of marketing is allowed by the terms of the affiliate program.
Remember to utilize search engine optimization (SEO) tools to get your site listed with the major search engines. You must build a strong customer base. Without customers, all of your advertising will be for nothing.
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How to Make Money Investing in Websites

Find a website that is available for purchase. This can be done easily by searching website auctions found on sites such as Flippa and eBay. Additionally, you can contact individual website owners directly and ask them if they are interested in selling.
Determine how you want to monetize your new website. Popular options include selling advertisement space, affiliate products, or generating leads for other companies.
Modify your website to reflect the monetization method you have chosen. If you are partnering with an established advertising agency like Google Adsense or Yahoo Ads, they will provide you with HTML code to insert into your website to display their ads.
Drive traffic to your website by promoting it across the Internet. This can be done free through social networking sites like Digg and Stumbleupon, or you can purchase advertising directly through other companies.
Test various offers and advertisements to see what is the highest converting offer. The higher your conversion rate, the more money you will make with your website.
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How to Sell on and Make Money (6 Steps)

Go to and register. is owned by Ebay is an auction site while is straight sales for a pre-set price. The buyer pays for shipping. They automatically get media mail ( unless you allow them to request (and pay for) faster shipping. You have to mail the media shipping requests within 5 days of selling. If you don't have time to go to the post office daily do not offer faster shipping. If you do not have time to ship for periods of time you can suspend your sales with a 'vacation' button which stops your inventory from being shown. When you want to resume just click the 'back from vacation' button.
You have to register a debit or credit card with your login to prove you are an adult. You register your checking account number and routing so that can automatically pay your earnings every month into your checking account. deducts their fee from your sales before the deposit. They have an accounting page for you to view that states how much the book sold for, minus their fee, plus the shipping fee and gives a total. They sell only for the price you set. The next step shows you how this works.
To list a book, video or tape: type the name of the book in the search box at the top of the page. It will take you to the others of that book that are for sale. Make sure you select the correct format (cd or book, hard or soft cover). Look at the prices and conditions others have listed. To sell yours look in the upper right corner of the screen and find SELL YOUR STUFF and click. When you are doing your listing there is a link to click telling you the condition rules. For instance, 'Like new' good enough to give for a gift. 'Acceptable' some damage but all pages intact. There is a comments section where you can write the exact condition of your book such as 'slight water damage to cover'. There is a box to click down for book conditions.
The last step is a section that shows the range of what others are selling the book for and how much the average sell price is AND how much the last one sold for. Do not over price your book or you won't sell it. Then you click submit.
It takes about 15 minutes for your listing to show up so be patient and don't list it twice unless you have two copies. There is a MANAGE YOUR INVENTORY tab on the right hand side of the screen. In this section you can delete, suspend, or edit your listing. Look over the tabs at the top and bottom. You can edit prices and then hit submit. If you don't have the book anymore delete it.
Leave feedback for those who buy so they will leave feedback for you. This will give your buyers more confidence. Feedback shows up as the number next to your login name such as BOOKSELLER(73) means bookseller has had 73 positive feedback ratings. If you click on the 73 it will show you the comments everyone left. It will also show if there were negatives. There usually is a few but if it is more than 5% negatives that seller is doing something wrong. Good luck and happy selling. Write with questions and I will try to help you.
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How to Start a Martial Arts Business (8 Steps)

Start by gaining knowledge about the martial arts. Find out about about the industry (tournaments, training methods, etc..) if you want to start a martial arts business . Train in one or more of the martial arts (Karate, Taekwon-do, Jujitsu, etc..) and learn about the different fighting styles. You'll gain more credibility if you become a black belt yourself in one of the martial arts disciplines.
Look for a location for your business. Choosing a good location is essential for your success. You want to find a building that is large enough to house your practice room and your store. It should also have a parking area and be close to residential areas. People won't want to travel too far to come to classes.
Secure funding. Talk to a bank about getting the financing you need to start a martial arts school. The bank will decide whether you are credit-worthy by looking at your credit score. When requesting a loan, be sure to ask for all the money that you will need at once--this includes money for the location, equipment, advertising and salaries of your employees.
Register your business. File the paperwork to register your martial arts business with the local and federal government. A lawyer can help you with this if you are not sure that you are doing things right.
Purchase equipment needed for a martial arts business. The classroom area should have mats on the floor and mirrors on the walls. You'll also need to purchase proper training gear and clothes for your prospective students and maybe a few display weapons to sell in the store area.
Set up the inside of your training facility and store areas. Be sure to keep safety in mind.
Hire employees trained in the martial arts. Employees will make or break your business. Choose employees that have specialized training in each of the martial arts you plan to focus on. Also, consider hiring workers that enjoy working with children, since many of your students will be children.
Advertise for customers. Look for local customers through newspapers or fliers. You can also network with websites that focus on the martial arts. These sites can lead people that are interested in the martial arts to your school.
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How to Make Money Online for Free

Writing Articles - There are many websites that will pay you to write articles online. Some pay you based on the number of views, some pay you a percentage of profits from ad clicks, others pay you for the time you put into writing articles. How much you earn depends on your writing abilities, the amount of time invested, and the earning potential of the website for which you are writing. It is difficult to give a per rate, but earnings generally range from nothing to $50.00 per hour.
Bukisa - Bukisa is relatively new. Because it is new, there is a large earning potential. Besides earning money for your writing, you can earn money by referring other writers. They have a payment method similar to Suite 101 and eHow. You are paid a revenue sharing percentage based on advertisement clicks.
Helium - Helium also pays writers based on advertisement clicks. Helium is great for new writers, because the editorial process is very lax. That also happens to be the downfall to Helium, as your articles are featured next to other articles that are not always well written.
eHow - If you have not yet signed up for the eHow writer's compensation program, do so now! eHow pays a percentage of ad revenues and is a great place for new writers to get started. Many new writers are earning a great deal of money through the writer's compensation program here at eHow.
Demand Studios - If you want to become an eHow editor, you can sign up to write for Demand Studios. You are paid a flat rate of $15 per article. If you are looking to earn money immediately this is a great way to get paid up front. However, if you have faith that your article has an earning potential greater than the flat rate of $15, the eHow writer's compensation program is the way to go.
Suite 101 - Suite 101 also pays based on advertisement traffic. Suite 101 has a great editorial process and if you are accepted to write for Suite 101, you can learn a lot by writing for them. They do not accept all articles, but the earning potential is very good. Also, anyone wanting to become a better writer can learn a great deal from Suite 101. As a writer for Suite 101, you begin by writing on specific subjects. As you become a more seasoned writer, you are allowed to branch out and cover other areas.
Textbroker - requests specific titles to be written. You are paid a flat rate based on your writer ranking. If you want to earn cash up front on your articles, textbroker is a great place to earn quick
Paid Forum Posting - Paid forum posting does not have the earning potential that article writing does, but if you enjoy posting in forums you can earn extra cash easily. Paid posting ranges from less than a penny a post to .35 cents per forum post. There are forums that pay every user a small amount to post. Here are a few forums that pay users a small posting incentive:
There are also services that you can sign up with to fill various forums throughout the internet. The forum posting services pay much more per post! They are hired by new forum owners to fill their forums. Most of the posting is conversation with other 'forum fillers.' These paid posting services include:
Ideal Posting
Forum Angels
Community Boost
Posting Direct
Wired Flame
Forum Booster
*Paid Posting Tools
Of these the paid posting services, the last four are by far the best.
Referral, or sign up, bonuses - If you enjoy earning money online through a writing service, forum, gaming lounge, etc. many of these websites offer incentives for referrals. You can earn money simply by posting a sign up link on forums, in chat rooms, or email it to friends and family. Referral bonuses are one of the simplest ways to earn passive income online! I currently average $25 per month in passive income from one referral link I posted. I do not spam referrals. I simply posted a link for a job that I enjoy in forums and I've earned consistent money from people who signed up.
Surveys - There are many online survey companies such as Cash Crate and Inbox Dollars. I personally do not feel these are worth the time and the amount of spam that they create in your mail folder. I have heard that people do earn money, but I am certain there are other methods that create a lot less risk for your computer and the payout is minimal.
Guided Search Results - A fairly new way of making money online is to be paid a fee for providing search results. Below are two examples of a search engine services that will pay you to return search results to users. Sometimes these searches are submitted via text and sometimes they are submitted via the internet.
Two similar ways to earn money to provide search results is with
Mahalo &
Organized Wisdom
However, these results are returned for payment in the form of a webpage. These webpages are then accessible on the internet. A little coding experience, or proficiency with internet languages is preferred for Mahalo and Organized Wisdom.
Data Entry - There are legitimate data entry companies online if your typing speed or data entry speed is exceptional. These positions are taken quickly and are difficult to find. However, some of the best known companies for employee work at home data entry operators with little or no formal experience are:
Mountain West Processing
Executive Secretaries
Axion Data Entry.
Product Reviews - You can earn cash by sharing your opinion! If you like to review products, visit:
Review Stream
These websites pay you a small fee for voicing your opinion on products you have used.
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How to Earn PvP Rewards in World of Warcraft (7 Steps)

Go to the battlegrounds. As before, battlegrounds award Marks of Honor for competing in and finishing battles. You still earn 3 marks for a win, 1 for a loss. However, the Brigadier Generals in the war rooms are gone, so you no longer redeem Marks of Honor for cash and extra points.
Find the PvP rewards vendors. These folks are located in the major cities and near the entrances to the battlegrounds themselves (in Refuge Point, Arathi Highlands, the Alterac Mountains and so on). Now, instead of requiring a rank, a certain reputation with a faction and gold, PvP rewards are earned through honor points. As you earn these, spend them like cash at the reward vendors.
Spend your honor points and Marks of Honor. There is a set limit to the number of honor points you can accumulate, therefore it is in your interest to spend the points before you hit the limit, otherwise you will just be wasting your time in a battleground. The honor limit is currently set at around 90,000. However, this may change in the future.
Fight and heal. Honor is awarded for both killing enemies and healing allies. Notice the new scoreboard in the battlegrounds that tracks both damage dealt and damage healed. If you are specced for healing, now is your time to shine!
Read the fine print. As before, the epic weapons and armor available for PvP have level requirements. As a level 58, you'll find it difficult to purchase the High Warlord's weapons.
Play all the battlegrounds. In an effort to encourage high-level players to visit battlegrounds besides Alterac Valley, Blizzard has assigned the required Marks of Honor for epic weapons and armor to Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin. This means that the 60s have to go back to Warsong and Arathi again. 'But we always lose (Battleground X)!' Yes, it is tragic. You thought you'd never have to go back, but you must if you want that epic gear.
Take a rest. Unlike the old system, honor will not decay if you don't visit a battleground every week. Once you earn honor, it's yours until you spend it like cash. Honor tallies are updated nightly.
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How to Earn Money Grading Tests Online

Start by reviewing your credentials. If you are a certified teacher you can easily apply to grade tests. If you hold a bachelor's degree in a specific subject you can also apply to grade tests. Make sure that you have your transcript handy. A good transcript should list all your courses.
Once you've determined if you have the right credentials you can start apply for jobs. Look for jobs grading test papers in schools. Some school districts will hire people specifically to grade papers during busy academic periods. A good time to apply to grade tests is during the winter and late spring.
Apply online. There are several different companies that allow you grade papers at home online. The Educational Testing Service and Pearson Educational Measurement both hire people to score tests papers at home. They require at least a bachelor's degree as well as possible teaching experience for many positions.
Submit an application. Applications to score tests can be found at the ETS website as well as the Pearson website. Each company will let you apply online. Make sure you have all parts of the application filled out correctly. Each part of the application form should be correctly filled out. Make sure to mention any relevant credentials such as teaching certifications or a master's degree in a specific academic subject.
Go through training and pass certification exams. In order to get hired by Pearson or ETS you will need to pass certification exams and go through training. Training consists of learning how to grade tests properly. You can read materials online before you start. Once you have worked on scoring materials you will be permitted to take a test in order to score tests papers online. Grading tests papers online can earn you from ten dollars an hour to up to thirty dollars or more. Scoring test papers for academic companies can also help you sharpen your academic reading and writing skills.
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Start an Online Casino Business

Write a plan for your business. This is always the best place to start with any venture. Write down you plans for how you will manage and grow your business, how it will be advertised, and what you plan to do if common challenges emerge.
Select a location for your business. Choose a country that offers gambling licenses for operating an online casino. You can find more information on each of these countries by visiting the “Gambling Licenses” website that is listed in the Resources section. Apply for the casino license as part of the process of forming your business in that country.
Choose a software package to manage your online casino. There are many casino software packages available, featuring a variety of casino games. Microgaming, Playtech and Cryptologic are the three largest options for online casino software. Links to these companies have been placed in the Resources section for your convenience.
Determine what payment mechanisms your casino will offer. This is an essential part of your business, because it is how customers place money into the account at your casino, as well as how they will be paid if they win. Credit Card billing, Western Union and Bank Transfers are common options. Most transactions, however, are made through alternative payment methods, such as click2pay.
Develop an advertising strategy to let people know about your online casino. When you were writing the business plan in Step 1, you should have included a budget for advertising campaigns. Find advertising mediums that work within your budget, such as print advertising, television, radio and online advertising.
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How to Become an EMT in Oregon (4 Steps)

Complete EMT training. You can take the Associate of Applied Science in EMT program at Portland Community College, the EMT Certification and Associate's Degree program at Lane Community College in Eugene or the EMT Associate's Degree at Chemeketa Community College in Salem. Choose which type of training will best fit you.
Earn an EMT certification by taking the State of Oregon and National Registry certification exams. Meet the basic requirements by being at least 18 years old, physically and mentally fit, and free from addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Complete the application packet and send to the course director for the EMT certification exam you are applying for. Submit the application forms and pay the necessary fees ($70 for the EMT basic exam, $75 for the EMT intermediate exam, and $200 for the EMT paramedic exam).
Get a date and time to take the certification exam. The schedule will be sent to you by the National Registry. Participate in and pass both the written and hands-on exams. Earn National Registry certification and Oregon certification after passing the exam.
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How to Put Amazon Ads On Your Blog

Log in to your Amazon Affiliates account (See Resources). If you do not have an account, you can set one up for free.
Click on the 'Product links' on the left side of the page.
Click the 'Get link' button adjacent to the product you would like to advertise. If you do not see a product that you want on this first screen, search for one by typing an item name into the 'Search' box.
Customize the HTML code. Step through the Ad design wizard to configure an Amazon ad for your site. On this screen you can customize the link, text and background colors, among other options. A preview of the Amazon ad displays next to the options selector.
Click the 'Highlight HTML' button located beneath the HTML code readout to select all the generated code for your ad. Copy this code to your computer's clipboard or to a plain text file.
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How to Earn an FFT2 Red Card to Fight Wildfires

Before a wildland firefighter can even being to train for a red card, they must first have an agency or supporting unit. These units can be defined as local fire departments or state and federal governments. The US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and National Park Service all have wildland firefighter divisions.
Complete your class work. To obtain a red card for an FFT2 position you must complete and pass classes on Basic Firefighting, Basic Fire Behavior, Introduction to Incident Command System and Human Factors on the Fireline. many of these classes can be completed through local community colleges. The supporting agency or unit will advise where the classes should be taken.
Complete the Task Book. During your classroom training, there will be a day when you complete field exercises. A task book provided by the supporting agency or unit will have tasks signed off by an instructor during the exercises. For the tasks that are not completed during class, the firefighter must initiate training with the agency.
Take the Pack Test. The 'pack test' is the name given to the physical agility test administered by the supporting agency or unit. This tests consists of walking with 45 pounds on your back for three miles in under 45 minutes.
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How to Earn Money Typing Manuscripts at Home

Keep an up-to-date resume. Before anyone hires you, they will want to be able to see the type of projects you have worked on. A resume is the most professional way to showcase this.
Don't promise more than you can deliver. You need to put forth your best effort to give them all the speed and accuracy you promised in order to get the job. If people are paying by the hour, you had better make them feel that they are getting their money's worth.
Post flyers at colleges. There are generally bulletin boards all over college campuses, and there is no place where there will be more people looking for typists. Grad students have to write their thesis, which is basically a manuscript, and that's where you'll find all of those professors who are writing books.
Advertise yourself online. There are websites that are dedicated to connecting freelancers with people who need their services. At Elance, there are numerous projects that freelancers can bid on, including typing and editing manuscripts. If you can't find any locally, you might be able to branch out and find some work online.
Complete all of your projects on time and in a professional manner. Once you get started as an at-home typist, the majority of your business will be repeat business and referrals. Even online, you will receive feedback for your work. Keep the jobs coming in by providing a first-rate service.
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How to Make Money Fast in New York (12 Steps)

Busk at busy spots. Busking is the art of playing an instrument on the street for money. As with most large, cultural cities, there's money to be had using your talents.
Scout a busy subway stop and put on a show for passersby. It may take a few tries to find the best spots, and you might find that you make more money if you switch between two or three spots.
Show off other talents like juggling or miming, if you're not a musician. If you're an artist, you might find a place to practice your art while you display your pieces.
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How to Design Tattoos to Make Money in Second Life

The first step to earning some money making tattoos on Second Life is to create the design itself. Now, there are template files available on second life as well as some download able ones on the internet available in the typical picture file formats. These templates will help you control the position of the tattoo when it is applied to a character. So, keep in mind the relative size and position of the tattoo you are making to the avatar of which they will be applied.
Now, if you prefer drawing and designing in real life -I personally prefer drawing the old fashioned way myself -you know, with a pen and paper, but I must admit that since I bought a wacom drawing tablet thing I've been doing a lot more digital drawing -they make awesome tablets and it feels more like real life drawing than I expected, So if any of you fellow artists out there have wondered if they are worth a &%$@ -oohh yeah! Anyway, back on the topic, if you want to use physical drawings, then you will need to first scan your pictures with a scanner (or take a digital photo if you don't have access to a scanner.)
Now take your digital picture file (or draw your tattoo with photo editing software -which if you are creating the tattoo during this process, you may find it better to use the body outline template discussed earlier and put it on a layer underneath the layer you are drawing your tattoo on.) Once you have your completed digital tattoo picture that is cropped, cleaned up and fit to match the body texture template continue to the next step.
Take your completed picture and convert it to the file format of your choosing -in this case, since it is a line drawing -I would recommend a .png file format, some prefer other formats and that's fine, but a .png file is more scaling friendly for line drawings. Also, one more thing to consider, if it is a large detailed file, you may wish to break it up into layers (some use as many as three layers to maximize the detail and look of realism relative to the avatar through which it is being worn.) Experiment and decide what works best for you, sometimes one layer is enough.
Now, take your picture files and upload them as a texture to your second life account. Find them in your inventory and apply them to an object of your choosing. Many people will package their tattoos as a transparent undershirt object and layer up with other shirts, however this can also be annoying or impossible if someone wants to wear the tattoo along with a shirt. Alternatively, you can make the tattoo a part of a direct skin texture, if you go this route though, you will want to make the tattoo include a desirable skin texture so that the user can still have good looking skin with your tattoo. I've seen it done both ways and both ways work fine. Any simple texture should do.
Now it's time to prepare the tattoo for sale, first take your tattoo object you've created and right click the object and then click 'edit' now from the open window, and finally click 'for sale' and set a price. Also, a packaging is necessary -I have an article that explains this a little more clearly, but the process is pretty simple, if you already know how to skip the next step, otherwise continue reading....
Okay, you want to create a package to sell your tattoo in, this typically comes in the form of a small poster or a box which displays your tattoo and some general information at your discretion. You can list the price, layers, how its worn ect. To do so -you will probably want to either find someone to model your tattoo or model it yourself so people will see on the box art/ picture how the tattoo is going to look. Create this picture with a screen capture and transfer the modeled tattoo picture into your preferred photo editing software. Then make it look good, add the information you want, although, i would suggest avoiding putting a price on the picture as money in second life, is just like money in real life -it fluctuates like an organism, so putting a price on the picture may result in you having to redo the picture later if the price needs to go up or down. Put your name on the picture and make a brand name for yourself while your at it, so if people appreciate your skills, they might just come back to you for more. Once you have created the box art, apply it to an object in second life as you did with your tattoo, but make it a package object that contains your tattoo when your cost is met via the for sale option.
Once you have taken your tattoo design and plugged it into an object within second life, its time to market and promote it. Take your tattoos to shopping malls and areas you think your tattoo might sell and rent out a space, and build up your store -keep track of how much you spend promoting and be careful not to spend to much in the process -with a watchful eye, you should learn the market and process pretty quickly, and in doing so make some decent money! Don't give up!!!! And, for the most part, the people on Second Life are great people and will most likely have more good pointers and help for you. Dr. Snot wishes you luck and success fellow artist!!!!
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Sunday, September 27, 2015

How to Make a Quilt Block by Sewing Strips Together

Cut the strips of fabric to the desired size. Strips can be any size, but ensure the edges are straight for sewing. If the edges are not straight, the finished block may not resemble a square at all. Allow for your seams as you are making the quilt. Each strip will be sewn on two sides initially, so add at least 1/2 inch if you intend to use a 1/4-inch seam allowance in the quilt.
Lay the strips out and arrange them in an order the produces a pleasing look. You may wish to experiment with different layouts until you find the one you feel is best for the quilt you have in mind.
Sew the strips together in the order you have them laid out. Start with the first two strips and sew together along one edge, maintaining the seam allowance. Sew the third strip along the raw edge of the second strip and continue in this manner until all the strips are sewn together.
Cut the strips in the desired length plus the seam allowance. For example, if you need the strips to be 14 inches long for the quilt block, cut them 14 1/2 inches to allow for a 1/4-inch seam. You have already allowed for the seam along the width of the strips so there is no need to add in an additional allowance there. The strips can be cut into small squares for the “nine patch” quilt, triangles for a twisted strip type quilt or left as long strips depending on the finished quilt design you have decided on.
Iron the seams open to flatten them. If you have used contrasting dark and light fabrics, iron the seams towards the darker fabric so they remain as hidden as possible.
Sew the cut pieces together to produce the finished square. Joining the pieces only requires straight stitched seams no matter how complicated the finished quilt block design looks. Once you have the pieces sewn together, measure all four sides of the square to ensure they are all the same. If necessary, trim the square so that all sides are the same length.
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How to Earn Extra Money During the Holiday Season

Try squeezing in some overtime. Sure, you want to spend the holidays with your family, but working a few extra hours at the beginning of December wouldn’t necessarily affect that. Extra holiday help is especially sought-after in retail shopping, but don’t discount the possibility of picking up some extra hours, even if you work in other areas.
Become a Santa’s helper. This can be done in a variety of ways beyond the obvious way of wearing a red suit. For example, lots of parents buy their kids Santa letters, so you could earn some extra cash by offering to write them and advertising your business at local malls and parent-teacher conferences. Or you can ask your local post office if they hire extra holiday help to help them deliver Santa letters (some post offices offer this service in their communities).
Make the most of your abilities. If you have a artsy hobby, you can probably put it to work during the holiday season. Regardless of whether you paint, make your own soap or knit scarves, chances are they will be a local holiday market in your community where you can sell these items.
Find a second job. If you cannot land extra hours in your day job, look around for opportunities to work during the holiday rush. Department stores and delivery services are the obvious choices, but don’t discount other things, such as babysitting kids while parents are busy out shopping.
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How to Earn More Page Views With Blogger Blogs

Update your blog regularly. If you want people to come, give them interesting content to read. This content will help you get indexed in search engines on relevant topics and bring visitors your way.
Publicize your blog by telling people about it. Add your blog URL to your email autosignature line and to signature lines in message forums. This can entice visitors.
Comment on other people's blogs with a link back to your own. People will often return the favor and if they find something interesting on your blog, they may bookmark you and visit again.
Syndicate your blog by joining an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeder service such as the one at Feedburner which can help you bring more traffic in by syndicating your blog to many news sources and give people an option to subscribe to receive future entries in their email inbox.
Install a fun and interesting template. Templates that are unique on blogger blogs can grab someone's attention and get them to view more than just your landing page. There are many free templates online that you can download to make your blogger blog unique.
Ping your blog. A ping service such as Pingomatic is a Web site that you simply put your blog information into each time there's a new blog entry written. It notifies multiple directory services that you have something new to share.
Join Technorati and utilize tools there including tagging services that help you categorize your blog to bring it more exposure and to advertise your blog in directories. Technorati has a lot of useful tools for bloggers.
Submit your blogger blog to the search engines for indexing. For Google, use the link in the Resources section. This will help your blogger blog gain more page views when people search on a subject that Google has indexed. This is especially helpful if you write about a niche topic.
Join social bookmarking Web sites and list their widgets on your blog. Bloggers can bookmark their own posts on sites like Digg and in order to gain more page views. Other people who bookmark your site might bookmark you with widgets and additions to your blog template which can bring new visitors in as well.
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How to Use Stock Market Fears to Make Money (5 Steps)

Become immune to the emotion of the market. For you to make money off the fears, you must become fearless. One way to do this is to make sure you are not overexposed with your capital. Set aside an amount of money you feel comfortable with investing. Then invest only 1/3 in at least 5 different industries. (For instance, oil, internet technology, automotive, financials.) Gradually add to your position with the remaining 2/3 of your money over the course of time. This will give you a 'dollar cost average' that is consistent over time and provide you with a price that is the mean for the period of time you've been investing.
Avoid catching a 'falling knife.' This is a term often applied to a stock or industry when they are suddenly experiencing a down turn. For instance if Coca Cola suddenly had bacteria in half of its product and had to recall it, the stock would plummet. But it wouldn't all happen at once. First there'd be the initial news story, followed by updates. Big money investors would immediately bail, followed by the retail investor (people at home), followed by the people who really don't pay attention and culminating with the people who refused to sell, but can no longer take the pain or are experiencing a margin call. You should not buy a stock until it has gone through all of these phases and there is the proverbial 'blood in the streets.'
Do your homework regarding the fears in the stock market. In the Coca Cola example, decide if it is a true across the board recall, or if it really just affects one niche market, and if it will only affect the bottom line by a few cents per share in one quarter. Every week the world drinks Coke's entire inventory anyway. If the incident or fear is isolated, then you are in business. If it truly is broad, move onto another investment.
Purchase a stock as close to the bottom as possible. It is unlikely that you will actually pick the bottom price. But you can certainly get close. Many people use what is called a double-bottom to indicate that a stock is done going down. So for instance in Coke went from $60 per share to $40 then it rose to $43, then back to $40, and then back to $43, then you have witnessed a double bottom. It is now safe (as long as there is no new news) to buy the stock again. That's not to say it might not again go down. But if it does, you have more capital on the side to purchase more and get a great dollar cost average.
Sell when things are well. Once the stock has rebounded from its over-correction you would be crazy not to sell some of it to at least lock in your profit. There's a saying on the street, 'bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered.' That means if you get too greedy, stocks have a way of running against you. So it is better to take profits. Regain part of your position if you still believe in the overall product of the company.
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