Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to Market to the Wealthy (4 Steps)

Provide high quality goods and services. The wealthy have the money to buy the best and are not afraid to use it. They know that buying fewer quality items is cheaper over the long run than buying many inferior ones. Invest in your product to offer the best value.
Make a good first impression with your product or service. While lesser folk walk into shabby stores or buy utilitarian devices designed without aesthetic appeal, the wealthy need not. Your product or service should physically reflect good taste and understatement. Hire artists or designers to provide this element if you cannot.
Build a relationship with your customers. Whatever you market to the wealthy, you are really selling superior service-intimate knowledge of the customer and ability to solve problems with your service. Whether paper clips, investing services or a jet plane, your product must speak to the customer's needs.
Spend money to make money. Because the wealthy are a savvy, even jaded, group, use your marketing budget to make friends who themselves will influence people. If you are selling a small pocket item, give it away to several high profile actors or buy product placement in a film. If you are selling a service, leverage wealthy investors who can suggest potential customers and help introduce your product in that circle. Hire people with connections to advise you or advertise at a high-profile charity event. If your product--and you--reflect quality and integrity, your shot at the market will likely produce results.
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