Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Get a Money Tree in 'Sims 3' (9 Steps)

Visit the Cemetery, Science Facility or Military Base in your city to search for seeds on the ground.
Hover your mouse over any seed you see. If the seed label reads 'Unknown Special Seed, Rarity: Special' it could be a Money Tree seed. A few other plants, such as Life Plant and Flame Fruit, fall into this category as well.
Click on the seed and select the command 'Pick Up.' The seed goes into the personal inventory of your Sim.
Return to your home and click your Sim's inventory button.
Click the Unknown Special seed and click the command 'Plant' or 'Plant Many' if you found more than one.
Click the ground outside your home to tell your Sim where to plant the seed(s).
Click the mound(s) where you planted the seed(s) every day and select the command 'Tend Garden' to tell your Sim to take care of the growing plant(s).
Repeat step 7 until the seed sprouts and matures. When it is has grown for about five Sim-days, hover your mouse over the plant to learn what it is. A money tree has a distinct peachy-pink foliage that you can instantly differentiate from any fruit tree.
Repeat all steps until you grow a Money Tree from an Unknown Special seed.
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Saturday, September 26, 2015

How to Get Respect From a Male Scorpio (5 Steps)

Be capable and competent. Astrologically, the Scorpio man is extremely professional and skilled at whatever tasks he puts his mind to, and he expects the same of others. Earn a male Scorpio's respect in the workplace or in your social life by putting all your effort into the task at hand and performing it well.
Demonstrate rigorous integrity and honesty. The male Scorpio is a 'rule follower' and will not respect people who cut corners, tell 'white' lies or deceive others.
Remain faithful and true to your word. Whether in a business or a personal relationship, the Scorpio man will not respect someone who breaks a promise or shows disloyalty.
Fight for what you want. Even if you disagree with a male Scorpio, don't back down from an argument about something for which you feel strongly. He may not see things your way, but he will respect your conviction.
Play hard. Scorpios are competitive, whether in sports or other games. Gain a male Scorpio's respect by putting everything you have into any games you play.
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Monday, September 21, 2015

How to earn $120 a Month Donating Plasma

Go to and search for donate-plasma-for-money center nearest you. *Sign up for an appointment and ask what you should bring as a first-time donor (typically it is a driver's license and a social security card).
Prepare for your visit to donate plasma by:
drinking lots of water the day before and leading up to your donation. This will reduce your donation time and help you recover quicker after donating.
eating a well balanced meal before donating (at least 4 hours), preferably with iron and protein in it.
avoiding alcohol, caffiene and high-fat, high cholesterol foods.
pick out a good book or paperwork from school or work to fill out while waiting.
Donate plasma! Get money! Save a life!
First you will check in, fill out paperwork and get your blood pressure and temperature taken. You also get a picture taken for your file!
Next you will submit a urine sample for testing.
Then you will get a tiny sample of blood taken from drops from your finger and your cuticle will be marked by a hi-lighter type marker under a black light to prevent you from donating at another plasma-for-money center before it is time.
You will then get a very brief physical, including inspection of eyes, ears, nose, breathing, and reflexes.
After this you will finally sit down to donate plasma. They have comfortable S-shaped beds which you lie on while donating and many tvs hooked up playing a movie. The movie they played while I was there was 'The Simpsons - The movie.' The actual donation takes about 40 minutes. It involves the extraction of your blood, the sorting of your red blood cells from the plasma (which is 90% water) and the return of the red blood cells to your body.
You then collect your money, typically $20-30 in cash and sign up for your next appointment.
Take care of your body after donating plasma.
eat a light meal and drink more fluids than usual
avoid consuming alcohol right away (it will really mess you up)
keep your venipuncture site clean (bandage can be removed after 2 hours)
if fainting or dizziness occurs lie down.
Put your plasma money in an account for whatever you want to use it for.It is very easy to just use $30 of cash on gas, groceries, starbucks, etc. Keep it in a special vacation account, retirement account, 'whatever account' or just immediately use it to pay off debt.
Go for your next appointment to donate plasma.*You can donate plasma 2 times a week for $30 each at my center in California. My husband and I both do this and make $480 in a 4 week month and $600 dollars in a 5 week month such as January. *We use the money to pay off debt. But, once we are out of debt, it is going in an emergency fund and then a 'house' fund. If we continue this throughout the year, it is almost an extra $6500 worth of income just for donating plasma!
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Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Run an Unclaimed Money Finder's Business

Learn about the various types of unclaimed monies and how local laws in your area govern professional money finders. Examples of unclaimed monies include inactive bank accounts, uncashed payroll checks and stock certificates. Individual states often have laws to govern the conduct of money finders. Some states, have passed laws that make it illegal to charge finders' fees once unclaimed property is on a state's list. The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators' website contains information about each state's unclaimed property laws.
Specialize in one or more areas of unclaimed monies. Examples of specialization include lost life insurance, state-held monies and federal agency funds. When choosing a specialty, compare your interests with the fields available. Also consider whether data can be readily obtained on the people who have unclaimed funds in a particular area.
Obtain the proper licensing and credentials as required by your national or local laws. Some states, for example, may require a professional money finder to be bonded and/or a licensed private investigator. If the unclaimed monies area that you choose to pursue does not require additional licensing or education, you can begin your business immediately.
Establish your finder’s fee and create the necessary contracts. Some states have laws on allowable fees and contract provisions. Alaska's Unclaimed Property Act, for example, stipulates a contract must be in writing, not exceed six months, specify fees to be charged and state the nature and value of property and the value of the owner's share after the fee is deducted. In addition, property equal to or greater than $500 cannot be subject to a finder's fee greater than 10 percent.Some professional money finders increase their fee rates if a transaction involves a great deal of research. For example, the fee may increase from 1 percent to nearly 5 percent depending upon the nature of the work. State laws must still be followed when increasing fees based upon the work involved.
Find records of unclaimed funds. In the United States, every state has an unclaimed property department and a searchable online database, according to the National Unclaimed Property Network. A free national database is available at Missing Money. The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators' website also provides a listing of states that have searchable databases. Unclaimed monies from insurance policies and United States and Canadian government agencies can also be researched at the National Unclaimed Property Network.
Contact property owners by telephone, email or postal letter.
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Friday, September 11, 2015

How to earn money by hacking in The Sims 3

Select the Sim who wants to hack by clicking his portrait near the left side of the screen. Only Sims who have the 'computer whiz' trait can hack on a computer. You must either assign this trait to a Sim at creation, on his earlier birthdays, or change his traits using the 'Mid-life crisis' lifetime reward.
Go to 'buy mode' by clicking the button near the bottom left of the screen that pictures a chair and a lamp.
Change the sort mode by clicking the middle, three dimensional image of a chair and lamp. I have denoted which image to press with a red arrow in the picture at left.
Click on the box that has a picture of a remote control inside, which will take you to the 'electronics' category.
Click the second tab to the left, the one with a picture of a computer monitor and tower on it, to enter the 'computers' category. Buy whichever computer you want or you can afford, and place it in your Sim's home (on a desk or dining table) or in his personal inventory.
Wait until the game clock shows that it's after 9:00PM. Sims can only hack at night.
With your computer whiz Sim selected, left click on the computer and select the 'Hack' option from the pie menu.
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Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Make Money in The Holidays (3 Steps)

Instead of spending the money from birthdays, Christmas and other holidays, work bonuses, tax refunds, and other cash windfalls, save it in your college bank account. It will reduce the amount you need to borrow to get through college and lower your interest expenses
You may have unclaimed money waiting for you to stake a claim. It could be unused gift certificates, life insurance left to you, a balance in a forgotten bank account, a refund owed you, or other funds being held for you. Contact the Unclaimed Property Administrator in your state
government or search online at (if your state provides information online).
Sign up to critique ads online for You'll be paid for
each ad you watch and answer questions about. Depending on how fast you can do it and how many you do, you could earn up to $30 in an hour
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