Showing posts with label flea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flea. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Make and Sell Crafts , Great Teen Money Maker

If your teen is always asking for money to shop, go out with friends, etc., but you just can't afford to hand out cash, suggest that your kid make his or her own money. This idea may intrigue your teen, but, just the same, be prepared to field some frustrated questions and excuses. Now, if your teen is creative and likes art or craft projects, explain how he or she can make money making handmade cool crafts and sell them to friends, after school, or even online!
Brainstorm with your teen to come up with a good craft with a low start-up cost that will be a popular item to sell. Think of craft items that people your teen knows and would be willing and excited to buy.
Zipper pulls for backpacks (every kid has a backpack)
Marshmallow guns (sold at flea market for 800% profit at Chrismas)
Bottlecap jewelry (also got 2 local boutiques to sell on consignment)
Guitar pick earrings (sold very well at school and local music shops)
Fancy hair ribbon accessories (sold at baby and kid shop)
Obviously, your teen will need to borrow some start-up money to shop for tools and craft supplies. Guide your teen to find the best prices on these items. This is a great time to work with your kid on learning to comparison shop. Start small so you are not putting out a lot of money before you know if your craft product will sell. Make a contract with your teen for scheduled repayment of your loan.
Teach your teen to keep records of inventory, crafted products made and sold, and who bought the items. This can really be helpful in future marketing.
Explain that they can take advance orders for their products, but should never hand over the goods until the order is paid. One exception: selling goods at a reputable consignment shop.
Give away a few products. If you are selling Guitar Pick earrings, give a pair to the lady who works at the counter. People will see her wearing them and want some for themselves. Give some bottle cap zipper pulls to the varsity cheerleaders. It won't be long before everybody at school wants them!
If your teen's business is taking off, encourage him or her to open an online shop, like Ebay or ETSY.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Make Extra Money if You're a Teacher (8 Steps)

*Look for seasonal employmentThe first thing you can do is look for seasonal employment in the summer. Many teachers are hired as 'temps' to do clerical work in offices. Other teachers I know work at country clubs or pools, or they work for outdoor painting companies. I also have known some educators who have started their own part-time businesses in landscaping and painting. A few of them continue work in the evenings during the school year, while others have summer-only businesses. Because tourist attractions often need more employees in the summer, teachers can work as tour guides, ride operators, or gift shop employees as well.
*Go into business for yourselfOne thing teachers can do in the summer is design crafts or projects and sell them at craft fairs. Because the initial start up of buying a cash box, fire extinguisher, displays, tent and folding tables (all of the things needed at fairs) can get expensive, it is often a good idea to go into business with someone else. That way you can take turns working the fairs and you can also have fun working together if you wish. I ran a tie dye onesie business for a few years that was very successful. When it became too much to do after I had a child, I sold tie dye onesies on consignment at local children's resale shops instead. There are lots of opportunities to make and sell items at resale shops including boutique bibs, burp cloths and baby barrettes.
*Resell items for moneyTeachers can make additional income by finding items at yard, garage, and estate sales. They can resell items at flea markets, children's resale shops, or on eBay. Some teachers save items all year and have a three-day holiday weekend garage sale, which can help generate some income for a fun vacation. I have also known a couple of teacher-gardeners who grew extra vegetables and maintained part-time vegetable stands over the summer.
*Work a retail part-time job for the discountsMany teachers work at retail shops in the evenings, being sure to limit hours and availability. Because retail clothing outlets often give a discount to their employees, the discount can help out with school clothing expenses.
*Become a part-time employee in the service or real estate industryin the There are also opportunities for teachers as part-time (evenings and weekends only) real estate agents. Additionally, some teachers opt to be part-time bartenders and servers. (Speaking from experience, I can tell you that it's probably best to wait tables outside of your district so you don't run into parents or students, which can be awkward!) I've known teachers who have worked as nannies, as pizza delivery drivers, and as house or pet sitters.
*Sell products at home partiesTeachers have the opportunity to sell products at in-home parties for companies such as Pampered Chef, Lia Sophia, Avon, Mary Kay, Party Lite, and Silpada. They can book parties as little or as often as they wish, and many products can also be sold to fellow teachers at school.
*Work at an education-related part-time jobThere are some more traditional teaching-type jobs that teachers can hold part-time. They can advertise as tutors in the paper, on Craigslist and at grocery stores. They always have the option of working at a tutoring center such as Sylvan or Kumon. If they have good writing skills, they can edit papers for college students by posting ads on university campuses. (A good brochure offering your editing and revising services is a good idea. You can also expand and offer to help with resumes and business letters.) Also, teachers can hold summer book clubs for profit by advertising in their neighborhoods. (Pick a book and an age/reading level, and hold discussions and serve snacks in your home.)
*Cater to your co-workersOne last very creative idea I've seen is to offer a boxed lunch on Fridays to your colleagues. Since teachers often can't leave for lunch, a lunch treat on Fridays is an easy sell to fellow teachers. (Of course, you'll need to get permission from an administrator to do this first.) Place a menu and sign-up sheet in the teacher's lounge a week ahead of time. Offer one choice to keep things simple and expand later once you get the hang of it. Packaged or box lunches containing a dessert, sandwich and two sides can be sold for $7 or $8--or possibly more. Ideas include fresh fruit, pasta salad, a serving of caesar or mixed green salads, dessert bars, chicken salad croissants. By posting your menu and sign up a week ahead of time, you'll be able to determine how much and what to buy. Be sure to wrap boxes well to make them appealing--grosgrain ribbon is nice and relatively inexpensive in bulk. Write the name of each customer on your boxes and place in the teacher's lounge refrigerator for people to pick up. That way you don't have to worry about delivering them. It's easy and teachers love it!
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How to make an extra Money by operating a stall at a Flea Market

Obtain resale permit to sell at The Flea Market. Seller's permits can be obtained at any local Board of Equalization office. To find a Board office near you, call or check the Board of Equalization website at
Visit local flea market and reserve space at the Reservation booth. Show them your resellers permit. Most flea markets require reservation one week in advance. The cost of the space will vary by the location and usually about 17' X 20' or 340 Square foot.
Arrive at your reserve space and set up the space with the appropriate tables and shelfs. You can decorate your products which can be books, old or new clothes, jewlery, copmuters, or anything you desire to sell.
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