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Showing posts with label relevant. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Get Paid for a Social Site

Charge a registration fee. People always prefer free sites, but if you have something to offer that other social sites don’t, people will pay to use it. You can offer a trial period or offer free registration or charge only for extra features.
Charge for banner space. If you have a lot of traffic, people will want to advertise their business on your site. Place a message on any page of your site to let visitors know about the option and add an 'Advertise with us' page with prices and other relevant information, including means of contacting you.
Sign up for Google Adsense or any other contextual advertising program. These programs use targeted marketing by searching for keywords and providing site owners with adds that are relevant to the content on their site. Site owners receive a payment every time a visitor clicks on an add. It's very easy to sign up and placing adds on your pages is as simple as copying and pasting pieces of code.
Sign up for an affiliate marketing program. There are many affiliate marketing programs available. These programs work similarly to contextual advertising, but instead of advertising ads, you promote products and services. Many affiliate programs require your visitors to actually buy the product or fill out a form for you to receive payment. Read the affiliate agreement thoroughly to determine which affiliate program is right for you.
Sell your site. If you built a social site and don’t want to run it, offer it for sale. This is usually the last step, as you will most likely have to show proof of significant traffic and revenue to any potential buyer in order to get a decent offer. You can offer your site for sale on the site itself or through websites such as WebsiteBroker, DealaSite or even Ebay. Before you list it, do your research to determine how much your website is worth.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Earn a PhD in Three Years

Ask your academic department head or advisor for a list of program requirements as soon as you are admitted. Departments will typically map out a program of study when students finish their first year of coursework, but may be willing to do so sooner if you have a specific study interest. Ask your department how many years they expect the program to take. Some departments may expect students to spend a minimum of 5 years in a program and will have significant roadblocks for doing the program any faster.
Ask about applying relevant courses from your previous educational experience. If you have a master's degree in the same area, ask about opportunities to exempt or advance coursework in the PhD program.
Enroll in coursework full-time and avoid a demanding full-time or part-time job. Get an assistantship if you can, which will usually pay part-time wages and give you a tuition waiver.
Select a focused topic for your dissertation research by the end of your first year of coursework at the latest. Don't wait until you are finished with your coursework to start formulating research ideas.
Begin your dissertation research in your second year of coursework rather than waiting until you are finished. You don't need to do all of the research at this time, but you can test out preliminary topics and methods.
Continue coursework or research during the summers. Get as much coursework done during the summer as possible, or use the summer months to start an ongoing research project for your dissertation.
Avoid changing the focus of your coursework or dissertation after the first year.
Set a rigorous timeline for yourself when writing your dissertation, and check in with your advisor regularly to submit portions of writing for approval to make sure you are on the right track.
Be informed about your university's exit requirements to ensure that you follow proper procedures to have your graduation processed on time. It's easy to get caught up working in a dissertation and overlook graduation materials that need to be submitted by a certain deadline.
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