Showing posts with label applying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label applying. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

How to Get an RN Degree Online (5 Steps)

Inquire about your state's nursing requirements. If you are interested in earning an RN degree online, you should first contact your local state nursing board to find out the specific requirements needed to become a registered nurse. The nursing board can provide you with helpful information on approved online nursing programs, along with details about course requirements and licensure information for the state in which you reside (see Resources below).
Research the different online nursing programs. There is an abundance of information on the Internet about online RN programs (see Resources below). You should take time to review the admission criteria and program requirements for each college that you are interested in applying to. Be sure to speak with an admissions representative or enrollment counselor at those particular schools if you have additional questions about their nursing programs.
Enroll in the appropriate courses. Once you are accepted into a nursing program, you can begin taking classes that are needed to earn an RN degree online. Your academic counselor or adviser can tell you the specific courses that you need to become an RN. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the nursing program curriculum varies per state, but more than likely you will need to take and pass the following courses: anatomy, physiology, chemistry, nutrition, microbiology, general psychology (and other behavioral science courses) and nursing courses. You must also complete the required core curriculum courses (such as history, math and English composition), along with electives.
Complete the required internship. Although you are earning your degree through an online program, you must still complete a supervised clinical internship at an appropriate hospital or medical facility. The internship normally takes one to two years to finish (depending on your state's guidelines), and you should work as an intern in the area that is related to your interests and goals (such as pediatrics, maternity, surgery or psychiatry).
Pass the nursing examination. The final component of the registered nursing program is to pass the NCLEX-RN (national licensing exam). This examination is administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in all 50 states. You may contact the NCSBN to receive more information about this exam (see Resources below).
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to Read Emails For Money

Why Read Emails For Money?Get paid to read email or GPTR is a fairly easy way to earn money online. The best thing about these programs is that they are free to join. So if you happened to stumble on a program that does not pay very well, at least you don't loose any money. You also need to know that using this online income strategy you are not going to get rich quick just by reading emails for money but over time you could earn extra cash applying this method. You can also reinvest the money you earn by reading emails to start a new home business or explore other online income opportunities without spending any of your own money.To learn proven techniques for making money at home please check out the Resources Box below this article.
How Much Money Can I Earn Reading Emails?With several good GPTR websites you can easily complete viewing one hundred emails per day for one penny or more each and make at least thirty dollars or more every month. That can easily pay for an electric or cell phone bill. Most of the GPTR programs are free to join witch makes them worth a try.Please check out my Resources Box below this article to start earning money from your own home today.
How To Make More Money Reading Emails?You can refer people into the program and earn a percentage of their earnings. Also many GPTR programs have upgraded membership levels available (usually for a small monthly fee) where you can reinvest your earnings right back into the program. This will earn you a lot more money in the long run and it will require a lot less work from you personally. You will then earn a percentage of what the program makes and you may also earn a higher percentage on what your referrals make too.To start earning money from the comfort of your own home join the income opportunity listed in the Resources Box below.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Earn a PhD in Three Years

Ask your academic department head or advisor for a list of program requirements as soon as you are admitted. Departments will typically map out a program of study when students finish their first year of coursework, but may be willing to do so sooner if you have a specific study interest. Ask your department how many years they expect the program to take. Some departments may expect students to spend a minimum of 5 years in a program and will have significant roadblocks for doing the program any faster.
Ask about applying relevant courses from your previous educational experience. If you have a master's degree in the same area, ask about opportunities to exempt or advance coursework in the PhD program.
Enroll in coursework full-time and avoid a demanding full-time or part-time job. Get an assistantship if you can, which will usually pay part-time wages and give you a tuition waiver.
Select a focused topic for your dissertation research by the end of your first year of coursework at the latest. Don't wait until you are finished with your coursework to start formulating research ideas.
Begin your dissertation research in your second year of coursework rather than waiting until you are finished. You don't need to do all of the research at this time, but you can test out preliminary topics and methods.
Continue coursework or research during the summers. Get as much coursework done during the summer as possible, or use the summer months to start an ongoing research project for your dissertation.
Avoid changing the focus of your coursework or dissertation after the first year.
Set a rigorous timeline for yourself when writing your dissertation, and check in with your advisor regularly to submit portions of writing for approval to make sure you are on the right track.
Be informed about your university's exit requirements to ensure that you follow proper procedures to have your graduation processed on time. It's easy to get caught up working in a dissertation and overlook graduation materials that need to be submitted by a certain deadline.
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