Showing posts with label day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label day. Show all posts
Saturday, September 26, 2015
How to Use Other Peoples Money (4 Steps)
If you don't have no money to start a business, then get a government grant. You can get free money by the government and you don't have to pay it back. You can get a grant for getting out of debt, building a home, going to college or for any thing you basically need money for.
If you want to get money fast, then get a payday loan. It's really easy to get one. I think a pay day loan can be a good source for using other people's money. The most popular payday loan is the money tree. If you qaulifly then you can get a loan fast.
Do you have any friends or family memebers? There is someone in the family that always have money. The only thing about borrowing from fiends and family, is that you don't want to get in a disagreement about money between them.
The credit union is also a good place to borrow money. The credit union doesn't charge fees on it's loans. It might be better getting a loan from the credit union are non-profit organizations that try to help it's members, instead of trying to make profit.
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Friday, September 25, 2015
How to Buy a Motel
Prove to a lender that you are capable of running a motel. Even if you are interested in purchasing a small motel, in addition to general management skills, you will need to understand basic bookkeeping and accounting concepts, be able to create a budget, keep accurate financial records, promote a favorable public image of the motel and communicate well with people.
Find out as much as you can about the motel you are interested in buying. Ask how long the motel has been in business and how long it has been under the management of the current owner. Ask why the owner is selling. Ask for the motel's financial records for at least the past three years.
Get the advice of an accountant or attorney who can examine any financial documents related to the day-to-day operation of the motel. Choose someone knowledgeable in the hospitality industry who can help you determine the value of the business. Take a look at other motels in the area. Educate yourself as much as you can about the local competition.
Make an offer once you verify the financials. Make the purchase contingent upon you getting the financing. Know what you can afford going in. This is also the time to specify any other conditions of sale. For example, you might request that the current owner make certain repairs or alterations before the date of closing. The overall condition of the property is a critical factor in determining the price.
Negotiate a sale price, amount of deposit and a settlement date. A sales contract signed by the seller gives you the option to buy the motel subject to each of the conditions as specified in the contract. Don't be afraid to negotiate the selling price. While most sellers expect to receive offers lower than what they are asking, be both realistic and fair in the offer you make. Although the final price a seller will accept varies in each situation, some sellers will accept as much as 20 percent lower than the asking price.
Secure financing. Even though a lender will consider the motel itself as one form of collateral, you may have to put up your house as additional security. Aside from having good credit, the lender will want to see proof that the motel will generate enough cash flow each month to pay the bills, including any loans secured to purchase the business. If you can show that the motel takes in more income each month than the money it pays out in expenses, you should be able to qualify for a loan. Lenders typically consider the motel industry a safe investment.
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Monday, September 21, 2015
How to Make Extra Money Teaching Microsoft Excel
Make a business plan. If you're going to make extra money teaching Microsoft Excel, you're going to need to have guidelines. This doesn't have to be an extensive business plan. Ideally, it should cover how much you money you want to make and how much you're going to charge for your services.
Print up business cards listing your Excel qualifications. Carry these cards with you and hand them out to anyone who might possibly need your services.
Create a daily agenda. Figure out what steps need to be taken each day in order to make your business a success. Go down the list, marking off each item that is done. You can have a daily agenda that has specific times for each item on the list or you can have a basic list that gets marked off as each item is completed.
Advertise. Whether you are using the internet to attract clients or going out in public, each day needs a certain amount of time dedicated to attaining clients. Use online community forums such as Craigslist to attract new clients. Put up notices in local businesses and community colleges to attract attention.
Set up an area for tutoring. If you're going to be tutoring out of your home, make sure the area you pick doesn't have any distractions.
Go to local community centers. Many community centers have adult education courses. Speak to the person in charge and explain that you'd like to teach Microsoft Excel classes at the community center.
Go to local employment offices. Microsoft Excel is an office skill that is a prerequisite for many jobs. Having an employment office offer people the opportunity to learn a marketable skill is a win-win-win situation for you, the student and the employment agency. Go into local professional offices, including doctors and dentists. Offer instruction on using Microsoft Excel for all employees who might need to understand how to use the software.
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Sunday, September 20, 2015
How to Make Money with eCards
Register a domain name and obtain hosting for your site. If you have an existing site that you want to promote eCards on, then skip this step.
Decide what kind of content you are going to put on your site. Do you only want it to be about eCards, or do you want to be more broad, such as eCards and gift suggestions, or eCards and fun trivia?
Create your website content. Depending on your technical knowledge and how quickly you write, this could take anywhere from one day to several months. If you have an existing site, it may only take you a few hours to add a new section.
Apply to eCard affiliate programs. Just about every major eCard site has an affiliate program (see Resources).
Wait for approval. Some affiliate programs must approve your application before you can begin promoting. Others will let you have access to their links and tools instantly.
Read the terms to see when and how you will be paid. Some programs only pay for paid eCard subscriptions. Some only pay if you have made a certain amount each month. Others don't pay for eCards at all; they pay each time you send someone to their website and that person subscribes to their newsletter. Read the details so that you know what to promote and how you will get paid.
Add the links, banners and other tools to your website in a strategic manner. Do not just make a website full of links and banners; this will not be profitable. You must incorporate the links into your content and give people something valuable.
Start promoting your website. If you just let it sit, no one will know about it.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015
How to Succeed in MLM
Believe in your product! If you do not believe in what your are selling then it will be difficult to convince anyone in buying or investing in your product. Your MLM business will depend on this.
Set goals for yourself and continue to analyze them and rework them as needed. Short term goals in network marketing should be redone every day or every other day. Long term goals can be reworked as needed.
Network. This is the whole idea behind network marketing in the first place. The best way to promote yourself is by talking about your product and your opportunity. You can do this in person and online through sites such as Facebook and Myspace.
Promote yourself and your product. Utilize the internet by setting up your own website as well advertising your MLM business on sites such as Craigslist.
Generate leads. This is crucial in your MLM business if you wish to seek residual income and build a downline. You can get your leads in hundreds of ways including word of mouth or even buying them!
Stay positive. Expect to hear the word 'NO' and become immune to the negative effects it would normally have on your self-esteem. Multi-Level Marketing is not for everyone.
Persistence. If you truly want to succeed in your MLM business then you can't let yourself give up and give in. (Where would you be if you gave up learning to walk?) It takes persistence.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
How to Earn $3000 a Month
'Writing articles'
Ehow and other websites that allow you to write articles and get paid for them is a good way to start. If you want to concentrate on this area alone, try and follow these basic steps.
You need to first figure out what articles are going to make you the most money. These article will MUST have the best keywords. Do your research using Google keywords, or yahoo to figure what category uses the best keywords on the internet. For example, travel, kids, parenthood, money, work at home jobs are good keywords.
'Choosing the right keywords'
When you decide on the keywords, write all your articles around those keywords. If you have at least 100 articles, with great keywords, you can earn $1.00 per day with each article.
Earning workout
Per day = 100 x 1 = 100
Per month = 100 x 30 = 3,000
Per year = 100 x 365 $36,500
The key is not to write just about just any subject or category, the key is choosing to write articles with valuable keywords. Do not just stick to writing 100 articles as it is just an example, the more article you write the greater the potential to your dream of earning $3000 per month.Along with good keywords you need to promote your articles. Use your social networking sites such as twitter, facebook, MySpace etc, to promote your article. Remember you need to have a lot of friends within your network, so make sure to use up the daily limits of the amount of friends you can add for the day.You can also promote your article through, when readers view your summary they are redirected back to your original article. For example if you have your article on Ehow, readers can only view the summary, so they have to return to Ehow to read the full article.
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Saturday, September 12, 2015
How to Make Money in Dragon Quest 8
Go to the desert Isle of Neos.
Adventure around the southern part of the island to battle the Gold Golems that appear there. Gold Golems only appear during the day.
Fight the Gold Golems when you encounter them. They can appear as a single golem or in a group of up to four. Each golem you defeat will give you 54 experience points and 726 gold.
Steal Gold Bracers and Gold Rings from the Gold Golems for extra loot to sell. These items are sometimes also random drops from the fight.
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Friday, September 11, 2015
How to Autosurf And Earn Money Surfing (6 Steps)
To autosurf, find a get paid to surf site that allow members to set up a free account. An investment amount of your choice will have to be made, in order to become a paid member and increase your commission pay-out. If you autosurf on a daily basis , the earnings can be substantial and far exceed the amount of money you invest into it. You can make hundreds of dollars a day from a get paid to surf site.For a faster and more profitable way to make money online for FREE, check out the site listed in the resources section below. When you go there, use the box near the bottom of the page to sign in and get started. This is a FREE program and it's safe to use.
Find an autosurf program that will pay you a bonus just for signing up. Some get paid to surf programs will give you an initial payment of $10 for signing up.
Invest money into the autosurf program. The more money you invest, the more money you can earn. You should be frugal when investing since there is risk involved. Programs that pay up to 12% are risky and require a bigger investment. It's best to stay in the middle range of 6-10%. After you earn some money from an autosurf, invest the money back into the program to increase your earning potential.
Do daily autosurfing to earn the most money. If you autosurf every day you can make a lot of money. Some people make hundreds of dollars daily from get paid to surf programs. After you sign up for the program, log in to your account. Most all get paid to surf websites have an autosurf button that you simply click on to start the autosurf.
Watch out for get paid to surf sites that are scams. Find autosurf programs with a nominal return rate. Avoid programs that have high risks and that run for more than a year. You can find out more about an autosurf program by searching online for helpful reviews. Visit blogs and forums where people are discussing autosurf programs and ask some questions about a program you're considering. You might even get a recommended site from someone, but make sure you're careful as to what you sign up for.
Earn as many credits as possible from autosurfing. The more credits you accrue the better. You can use the credits to get free traffic to your site and increase your online earnings. The credits can also be used to upgrade your account and buy advertising. The options will of course vary from program to program. You should check each program to see what they offer, before you sign up to autosurf.
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How to Set up a Reward System for Potty Training
Set up your potty training regimen so you’re ready to handle the process. You’ll need a potty seat, at least 10 to 12 pairs of underwear, a sheet of paper, some little stickers and an idea of what rewards you will give to your child. You might stock a box full of inexpensive toys she can choose, you could plan some special excursions and activities as rewards or you might plan a shopping trip as a reward.
Make a one-week sticker chart to keep track of potty success. Hold an 8.5-by-11-inch sheet of paper, oriented in landscape, and divide it into seven equal columns -- one for each day of the week. Write the days of the week across the top of the chart. Your little one will earn a sticker for every potty training success and he will place each sticker he earns in the appropriate column for the day. You will need to make additional sticker charts for the second and third weeks of the process.
Determine what actions will earn stickers. For a reluctant potty trainer, you might award a sticker for just sitting on the potty. For a more advanced child, you might require that the little one actually use the potty to earn a sticker. You also need to decide how many stickers will earn a prize. If you have little, inexpensive prizes, institute a system that requires fewer stickers to earn a prize. If your prizes are larger and more expensive, your child should earn more stickers to earn them. In this scenario, you might create a tiered system with small prizes awarded more frequently for fewer stickers and more expensive prizes earned less frequently when your child earns more stickers.
Talk up the reward system and the potty training plans to get your child on board. Explain the details a day or two in advance and tell your youngster that it’s almost time to begin using the potty.
Begin the potty training routine on the big day. Place the sticker chart on the refrigerator and show your little one the stickers she’ll earn when she sits on or uses the potty. Encourage her to sit on the potty and provide a sticker for every success. Show your child where to affix the stickers and watch as she does this. Remain positive and upbeat as you proceed through the day.
Continue to award stickers for potty training and keep track of the point where your child will be ready for a bigger reward. When this happens, make a big deal out of presenting the prize or the earned activity.
Remain consistent with the sticker chart and rewards for at least three weeks to ensure that your little one’s new skills have the reinforcement needed to make them permanent. Less than three weeks of stickers and rewards could lead to relapse, warns physician Caren Glassman, with Potomac Pediatrics.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015
How to Earn Amazon Credits
Navigate to the Swagbucks website. Sign up for an account by choosing a user name and password and giving the site your email address. Log on to the site daily and perform required tasks to earn points. Do normal searches through the Swagbucks search engine to earn random points, take polls each day to earn a point or turn in old cellphones or books to earn points. Turn in your points every time you earn 450 of them to receive $5 in Amazon or credit.
Navigate to the Amazon Mechanical Turk website and sign up for an account. Mechanical Turk is a crowdsourcing site connected to Amazon. Companies pay small amounts of Amazon credit to users who do small and often mindless tasks that are better done by many humans than by computers. Check out the way websites look, make sure URLs link to the correct address or make sure no one in any of a group of photos is making an obscene gesture. Each small task can earn you pennies to a few dollars, but they can add up to large amounts of Amazon credit for mindless tasks done while watching TV.
Navigate to the TestSpin website and sign up for an account. TestSpin is a market research firm specializing in testing Web content. Sign up to test music videos or online products, check out websites or join surveys. Once you successfully complete each task you have to fill out a survey or join a focus group about the subject, and then you'll be paid in TestSpin dollars, which are redeemable for Amazon credits.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015
How to Use and Earn Free Rewards Cards
Go to and register for an account. It is completely free to join their site and start earning rewards cards.
You'll be prompted to give your email address at some point. You will receive a few emails from them each day. Open and read each ad linked in the email and make sure you click on the 'get points' button. This will ensure you will receive at least 5 points for checking out the offer. You are not required to buy anything or sign up for anything. Each offer will tell you that IF you are interested you will earn more than the 5 points for taking advantage of the offer. In addition, you can shop at many of your favorite online websites like Target, through to earn points from your purchases as well.
Play around the website. When you log onto your account you will see up on the right hand side of the page a button that says 'easy points'. Click on that and it will step you through a few quick 1 question surveys that you will get 5 points for each time you answer them.
If you do it a few times a day, the points add up quickly! Soon you will have earned enough points to redeem for rewards cards!
There are many options for the rewards cards such as Target, Starbucks, restaurants, Old Navy and MANY, MANY more that mypoints offers. Go to the store that you earned a rewards card for and purchase a free ipod like I did!
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Friday, September 4, 2015
How to Make Money on eBay as a Full Time Seller
If you are new to eBay, you will need to open an account and learn how the site works. Visit to take the eBay Seller Audio Tour. (Visit will also want to buy a few things on eBay before you try to sell anything. You will need to build your feedback score. Most customers are not comfortable buying from a seller with zero or very little feedback. Take some time to learn about the site and establish your reputation.
Next, decide what you will sell. Investigate different options for obtaining your inventory. (See my eHow article titled, 'How to Decide What to Sell on eBay.')
You do not need to work with a drop shipper or wholesaler. You can easily find items to sell at thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, consignment stores, drug stores like CVS and Walgreens, and WalMart. See the articles on the sidebar for further information on where to find your inventory.
Start off small and slowly. Experiment with different products to find out what works best for you. Set goals for yourself regarding how many items you will list each day or week. Once you start making a profit, reinvest the profits to purchase more inventory and grow your business at a rate you are comfortable with. Ease into your eBay business, you cannot build it overnight.
Have a back-up source of income for the first few months. You may want to take on a part-time job to supplement your eBay income until your business takes off. eBay is like retail - it is cyclical. Some months will be better than others. Your eBay income and profits will fluctuate from month to month. Give yourself some time to understand the cycles of eBay and how the money flows before you depend on eBay for 100% of your income.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. The consumer market can be unpredictable. Offering a variety of products will enable you to cross-sell to existing customers, as well as attract new customers. For example, if your main product line is clothing, you may also want to offer shoes and accessories. If your main product line is baby items, offer maternity items, prenatal vitamins, early childhood learning products, or child safety products.
Be prepared to evolve with eBay and the changing consumer market. If you don't have success at first, don't give up. Most eBay sellers fail because they give up too quickly. Ask for help. Try different products. Do research on the internet. There is no one magic product that sells for big profit all the time. (If that was the case, everyone selling on eBay would be rich.) Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. You may have to adjust your key words, change your photos, revise your item description, or fine-tune your pricing to find a formula that works. eBay is about evolving with the market, understanding what customers want, selling the right products at the right time, and experimenting.
Expect to work at your eBay business just like you would at a traditional job, maybe even more. Many people think that eBay is just sitting at a computer watching the profits roll in. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many sellers fail because they expect success (and big money) too quickly. It takes time to build your eBay business. Be patient, work hard, put in the hours, and the money will come.
Find support groups and talk with other sellers. If you are having a problem with a customer or an issue with eBay, chances are that another seller has 'been there, done that' and can offer advice or a solution. Don't be afraid to ask for help - plenty of experienced sellers are out there and are more than happy to help a newcomer. Look for eBay groups on Facebook, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, and the message board.
Continue to educate yourself. Read blogs about eBay selling, check the eBay announcement board, listen to podcasts, look on YouTube for videos, and network with other sellers. eBay changes every day. Keep your eyes and ears open for news about the eBay marketplace that may affect your business.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
How to Earn Respect as a Substitute Teacher
Dress professionally, even for a relaxed school. Children make quick first impressions, and casual clothing may signal a casual attitude to the students. Use professional clothes to set a tone of authority when you walk into the classroom.
Write a list of rules on paper. Keep the list brief, as the students need to remember all of the rules you set that day. Set at least three to show you are serious and to maintain control over the classroom. Bring the paper with you to the class as a reminder.
Arrive at least 30 minutes early. Read the school and classroom rules. Not knowing and not following the same rules the children do loses you respect. Use the regular teacher's planner to determine where the children are in their studies.
Introduce yourself clearly. Maintain eye contact and use a firm tone of voice to convey authority to the students. Go over the rules you wrote to establish order and expectations. Write them on the whiteboard or put them in a visible place.
Ask the students if you are unsure about a classroom procedure or matter. Students might be more likely to respect a substitute teacher who asks for assistance rather than trying to guess.
Keep a positive attitude. Do not yell at students or make negative remarks about the school or regular teacher, even if you have reason to do so.
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