Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Generate Free Traffic to Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Participant in the major and proactive forums. Obviously, there are many resources stating that participating in the forums is a great way to generate free traffic to your website. However, with this affiliate marketing ideas, I highly recommend you to choose the forums before joining those forums; even they are free to join. There are some factors for your concerns when you join the community. For example, a number of members in the forums, how active forums are, and what kind of topics there are in those forums. My experiences show that you have to be in the active forums along with the proactive members and a great discussion. With those stuffs, you are in a great position to be socialising with them and ensure that the opportunities to generate more traffic are opened. The great place to start joining is the Warrior forums. There are a lot of proactive members and great discussion over there.
Setup your own blog. The blogging online marketing is one of the most significant marketing techniques to generate free traffic and earn affiliate commission. You have to learn, build and run profitable blog to achieve those goals. To build a highly profitable blogs, there are a few keys, which you have to remember, to your success. Those success keys are: to post your messages consistency and promote your blogs to the world. There are many ideas to promote your blogs such as using ping services particularly Technorati, posting your comments on other related blogs, and expanding to RSS and Podcasting technology. Without the proper strategies to advertise your blogs, it is hard to generate free traffic and earn more affiliate commission.
Join and active in the social networking websites. There are many social networking websites, which are the most popular sites on the internet right now. One of the best social networking sites for driving quality free traffic is MySpace. You can join them for free and start being socializes in the community in where you are interested. Another great place for starting is Squidoo site. My highest recommendation is to make more friends, exchange your expertise among those friends, and build the relationship among those friends in those social networking sites. Trust me, with the great relationship in those social networking sites, you will gain a ton of high quality free traffic to your website and home based affiliate business.
Produce a video for your markets. There is no doubt that video is recently the most popular and fastest growing on the internet. YouTube is a great place for starting producing and uploading your video in order to spread your affiliate products or services to the world. Personally, I believe that this is a great alternative way to generate free traffic to your website and home based affiliate business. And you can start producing a demonstration video for your products or services in the markets. With the demonstration, the opportunities to get more potential buyers to your website and turn them to the real customers are opened.
Place an offline advertisement. I understand completely that we are affiliate marketing entrepreneurs and working on the internet. However, my studies show that there are a few internet entrepreneurs who advertise their business off-line. This marketing strategy is still powerful to generate free traffic to your website. And there are many channels to promote off-line your products and services. For example, conduct your business card, produce a poster, tell a friend or family and conduct the events. My highest recommendation is that it is not a bad idea to start promoting your affiliate products or services off-line.
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Friday, September 4, 2015

How to Make Money on eBay as a Full Time Seller

If you are new to eBay, you will need to open an account and learn how the site works. Visit to take the eBay Seller Audio Tour. (Visit will also want to buy a few things on eBay before you try to sell anything. You will need to build your feedback score. Most customers are not comfortable buying from a seller with zero or very little feedback. Take some time to learn about the site and establish your reputation.
Next, decide what you will sell. Investigate different options for obtaining your inventory. (See my eHow article titled, 'How to Decide What to Sell on eBay.')
You do not need to work with a drop shipper or wholesaler. You can easily find items to sell at thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, consignment stores, drug stores like CVS and Walgreens, and WalMart. See the articles on the sidebar for further information on where to find your inventory.
Start off small and slowly. Experiment with different products to find out what works best for you. Set goals for yourself regarding how many items you will list each day or week. Once you start making a profit, reinvest the profits to purchase more inventory and grow your business at a rate you are comfortable with. Ease into your eBay business, you cannot build it overnight.
Have a back-up source of income for the first few months. You may want to take on a part-time job to supplement your eBay income until your business takes off. eBay is like retail - it is cyclical. Some months will be better than others. Your eBay income and profits will fluctuate from month to month. Give yourself some time to understand the cycles of eBay and how the money flows before you depend on eBay for 100% of your income.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. The consumer market can be unpredictable. Offering a variety of products will enable you to cross-sell to existing customers, as well as attract new customers. For example, if your main product line is clothing, you may also want to offer shoes and accessories. If your main product line is baby items, offer maternity items, prenatal vitamins, early childhood learning products, or child safety products.
Be prepared to evolve with eBay and the changing consumer market. If you don't have success at first, don't give up. Most eBay sellers fail because they give up too quickly. Ask for help. Try different products. Do research on the internet. There is no one magic product that sells for big profit all the time. (If that was the case, everyone selling on eBay would be rich.) Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. You may have to adjust your key words, change your photos, revise your item description, or fine-tune your pricing to find a formula that works. eBay is about evolving with the market, understanding what customers want, selling the right products at the right time, and experimenting.
Expect to work at your eBay business just like you would at a traditional job, maybe even more. Many people think that eBay is just sitting at a computer watching the profits roll in. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many sellers fail because they expect success (and big money) too quickly. It takes time to build your eBay business. Be patient, work hard, put in the hours, and the money will come.
Find support groups and talk with other sellers. If you are having a problem with a customer or an issue with eBay, chances are that another seller has 'been there, done that' and can offer advice or a solution. Don't be afraid to ask for help - plenty of experienced sellers are out there and are more than happy to help a newcomer. Look for eBay groups on Facebook, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, and the message board.
Continue to educate yourself. Read blogs about eBay selling, check the eBay announcement board, listen to podcasts, look on YouTube for videos, and network with other sellers. eBay changes every day. Keep your eyes and ears open for news about the eBay marketplace that may affect your business.
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