Showing posts with label Open. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Open. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Get Wings in 'Aion'

Play the game until you reach Level 9, and then go to Pernos on the Argaric Spore Road and talk to him. Accept your ascension quest from him.
Follow the marker on your map to the center of Cliona Lake, and open your inventory. Right click on the vial you received from Pernos to fill it with water.
Go to Daminu Forest and follow the road until you reach Lord Daminu, a large tree with a face. Talk to him and give him the vial. Take the apple that Lord Daminu drops.
Return to Pernos and talk to him again. You will be transported to a scenario that displays a vision of your future. Walk up the ramp and talk to Belpartan, and then watch the cutscene. Defeat all of the enemies when you land, and then fight the Orissa of Horror until the cutscene triggers.
Choose a class to specialize as when the game prompts you, and then talk to Pernos again when you appear next to him. Ask him to teleport you to Sanctum.
Walk forward from where you appear, and talk to Leah. Follow the marker to Jucleas in the Lyceum and talk to him. Watch the cutscene in which you receive your wings.
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How to Earn Money By Developing ANDROID JAVA Applications

ANDROID SDK SETUPVisit the development tools website for Android from the link given in references of this article. Assuming that you are using Windows operating system, download the Android SDK for Windows. Unpack the downloaded .zip file to a safe location. Add this location to the PATH variable by Right-clicking My Computer, Select properties, select Environment Variables under Advanced settings. Add the path location to the PATH variable by editing it.
Install SDK by running SDK Setup.exe from root directory of SDK tool.
ECLIPSE PLUG-IN SETUPAndroid offers a custom plug-in for the Eclipse IDE, called Android Development Tools (ADT). This provides a good advantage if you are also developing applications for Blackberry smartphone. This way you can develop applications in parallel for both the platforms, i.e. Blackberry and Android.
Install the Eclipse IDE 3.4 (Ganymede) from its website. Open Eclipse IDE and in the software updates, type the URL and install the updates. Modify your Eclipse preferences to point to the Android SDK directory.
PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALSAndroid applications are written in the JAVA programming language. There are various APIs specifically written for Android which can be used for preparing applications specific to certain device running on Android platform. Once an application is successfully compiled, a .apk file is generated. One .apk file is one complete Android application.
TEST APPLICATIONOnce the Android Plug-in for Eclipse is installed successfully, restart Eclipse tool and start developing a Test application project.
1) Select File > New Project > Android Project
2) Enter a name for project. Select a Build Target 1.4, 1.5 or 1.6 and Enter Application Name, Package Name and Min SDK Version.
3) Click on 'Finish'.
Copy the source code for a basic Hello World project from the link given in resources. Build project and Run on the Emulator.
SIGNING APPLICATIONSIt is important to Sign an application before publishing it for security and integrity reasons. If you are using Eclipse tool and if ADT has proper access to the Keytool then there is no specific action required. The application will be signed when it is compiled and debugged. To sign an application for public release, obtain a signature for public release and compile the application in Release mode by following procedure outlined on Android Developers website.
PUBLISHING APPLICATIONSIt is important to Test your application before releasing on an actual device rather than just the Emulator. You will have to purchase either an Android running phone like Motorola Droid or an Android Development phone. Add an End User license agreement and publish on Android Market.
EARNING REVENUE FROM APPLICATIONSThe most important reason for application development is to earn money. You will need to pay a one time registration fee of $25 to become an Android developer and publish applications. Once your application is published on Android Market and people all over the world start downloading the application at your published price, you will receive 70% of the revenue while Google will keep 30% of it. For example, an application worth $1 downloaded by 1000 people will earn you 70% of that which is $700. If you develop a very good quality application, you can earn prize money of $150,000 or 100,000 or 50,000 or 25,000 based on overall ratings given by users through Android ADC2 challenge.
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Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to Earn Evony Game Cents Free

Set up an account if you don't already have one. Log in and click 'Join Evony' under where it says 'Evony URL.'
Download the Evony client; it is completely secure and will not download any other programs to your computer.
Open the Evony invite client and from there you can enter the email attached to your Evony account. Check the box to agree to the terms and click 'Next.' From there you can view all the ways you can invite people. Use Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Gmail and many other types of email and messenger accounts.
After you've added all of your credits, you can exchange them for cents by clicking the 'Exchange Cents' button under your avatar on the home login screen (not the Evony game screen). Choose any server to add the game cents to.
Enter the server you play on and click the 'Shop' button at the bottom-left navigation bar. Your game cents should all be there.
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How to Find Easy Ways for a 13

Ask friends of the family if they need babysitting services. If a 13-year-old is mature, she might be able to babysit younger children. Even if she cannot babysit by herself, she can earn money by supervising children while there are other adults around. She can play with the young children, read them books, help them with homework or put them to bed while their parents are entertaining or are busy with other tasks.
Open a lemonade stand. This is a classic way for kids to make money, but it still holds. If selling lemonade seems too old-fashioned or babyish to your teen, try variations, like selling canned sodas or fruit juices or homemade baked goods.
Ask friends and neighbors if they have chores your child can do, such as weeding, mowing lawns, painting, house-cleaning or washing cars. Tech-savvy teens can help older folks set up and troubleshoot their computers, or do tech-related tasks like scanning old documents or photos into digital files. Pet lovers can walk dogs or be pet-sitters.
Look into tutoring opportunities. A 13-year-old could tutor younger children in basic skills. Contact elementary schools and tutoring centers to see what opportunities are available.
If your kid is a good artist or craftsperson, set up an account with a site like Etsy so that she can try to sell her creations.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Use and Earn Free Rewards Cards

Go to and register for an account. It is completely free to join their site and start earning rewards cards.
You'll be prompted to give your email address at some point. You will receive a few emails from them each day. Open and read each ad linked in the email and make sure you click on the 'get points' button. This will ensure you will receive at least 5 points for checking out the offer. You are not required to buy anything or sign up for anything. Each offer will tell you that IF you are interested you will earn more than the 5 points for taking advantage of the offer. In addition, you can shop at many of your favorite online websites like Target, through to earn points from your purchases as well.
Play around the website. When you log onto your account you will see up on the right hand side of the page a button that says 'easy points'. Click on that and it will step you through a few quick 1 question surveys that you will get 5 points for each time you answer them.
If you do it a few times a day, the points add up quickly! Soon you will have earned enough points to redeem for rewards cards!
There are many options for the rewards cards such as Target, Starbucks, restaurants, Old Navy and MANY, MANY more that mypoints offers. Go to the store that you earned a rewards card for and purchase a free ipod like I did!
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How to Make Money With Straight Truck Cargo Van Shipments

Compete locally instead of trying to compete with the global leaders like FedEx and UPS. Focus on building your business with residents and commercial entities within your state and surrounding states. Gear your advertising within a three-state radius and build from there.
Reorganize your shipping business. Re-define your business goals. Charge by the mile and the weight to make sure you are maximizing your profit potential.
List your business with online directories such as Uship so that customers can find you. Advertise in local business magazines. Rent billboard ad space to promote your business name and contact information.
Open business accounts with the global and national delivery companies. Use them as partners to extend the reach for your customers. Instead of going elsewhere, the customers you acquire can piggyback on your account.
Strap a utility trailer to your straight truck so you can accommodate businesses with large commodity shipments.
Install global positioning system (GPS) to ensure that your deliveries are on time. Equip drivers with cell phones to use for keeping in contact with your central location and with customers.
Provide daily delivery service to a specific route to encourage consistent repeat business. For example, make regular pick-ups and deliveries throughout the full distance of the busiest city streets. Assign a cargo van and a driver to that regular route.
Appoint a sales person to solicit business. Sales professionals do not have to be full-time employees; you can use contractors who work solely on commission. Pay them when you get paid for the shipment.
Require drivers to sell services. Equip them with sales order forms and brochures. Send drivers to free sales seminars so that they can practice and learn sales techniques.
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Friday, September 4, 2015

How to To Make The Most Money Doing The Least Amount Of Work, And Make a Million Dollars

Invest Your MoneyYou work hard for your money so it's important you make your money work hard for you. Millionaires invest their money in things that build wealth. You need to do the same. You will never earn a million dollars if you don't.Buy stocks, bonds and real estate. These are amazing assets you can acquire to become rich with a million dollars. See the link in the Resource section towards the bottom of the page, it shows you how to invest.
Seek Better Paying JobsYour greatest wealth building tool is your income. Don't get too comfortable where you are, instead, seek a better paying job. Making a million dollars is much easier when there's more money in each paycheck. Getting paid more is a crucial step to making a million dollars. So make the most of your time and earn more.
Open A BusinessTry your hands at opening your own business. If you don't know how...learn! Stop making you boss money and start earning your own.Why earn $10, $20, or $30 bucks an hour when you could be earning $50, $100, or $200 per hour? Starting your own business is the fastest way to making a million dollars.
Budget & Cut CostsMillionaires buy stock and other assets. You don't have to be a math wizard or an Ivy League graduate; you just need to learn the basics. Once you learn the basics, open a trading account and start buying stocks and other assets. Real estate, stocks, bonds and franchises are wonderful assets to buy.This is the first step to make a million dollars.See the link in the Resource section towards the bottom of the page, it shows you how to Budget
Seek Government HelpMillionaires take advantage of the 'system' and so should you. Most cities and towns offer assistance to those who ask. Yes, the government does give people FREE money! You just need to look for it.Here is a personal example. I bought a 2 unit investment property in 2009. Like most homes in the area it was contaminated with lead paint. I was obligated to remove the lead in order to maintain the safety of people costs over $30,000 dollars!However, I called city hall and asked for help. They paid the entire costs of the project. Over $30,000 dollars! As a result, the market value of the property increased by about $20,000 bucks.Money saved is money earned. Think like a millionaire and find ways to make the 'system' work for you. This trick increases the chances of you retiring young and rich.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Bake to Earn Extra Money

Hold a bake sale. If you're selling your baked goods to reach a one-time goal, such as a fundraiser, set up a table at your school or community center. Advertise your bake sale beforehand by posting fliers and letting locals know about your event, or hold your bake sale at a widely populated event, such as a craft sale or fair. Make sure you have permission from the appropriate resources to hold your bake sale.
Open a stall at an open market. Many cities and towns hold open markets from the spring through the fall and, aside from fruits and vegetables, markets often have openings for baked goods. Contact the organization that operates your local open market to inquire about getting your own stall. Keep in mind that you may need to invest in a table, tent and chairs to start a stall; however, this is a great way to gain a following, and you may be able to continue taking orders through repeat clients through the winter months.
Sell your baked goods online. Websites that allow members to sell crafts often allow bakers to sell their baked goods as well. Simply create an account, upload photos of the types of baked goods you sell and assign your goodies a price. Tell everyone you know about your online shop so that you can make sales right from the start.
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