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Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Get Wings in 'Aion'

Play the game until you reach Level 9, and then go to Pernos on the Argaric Spore Road and talk to him. Accept your ascension quest from him.
Follow the marker on your map to the center of Cliona Lake, and open your inventory. Right click on the vial you received from Pernos to fill it with water.
Go to Daminu Forest and follow the road until you reach Lord Daminu, a large tree with a face. Talk to him and give him the vial. Take the apple that Lord Daminu drops.
Return to Pernos and talk to him again. You will be transported to a scenario that displays a vision of your future. Walk up the ramp and talk to Belpartan, and then watch the cutscene. Defeat all of the enemies when you land, and then fight the Orissa of Horror until the cutscene triggers.
Choose a class to specialize as when the game prompts you, and then talk to Pernos again when you appear next to him. Ask him to teleport you to Sanctum.
Walk forward from where you appear, and talk to Leah. Follow the marker to Jucleas in the Lyceum and talk to him. Watch the cutscene in which you receive your wings.
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