Showing posts with label years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label years. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

How to Buy a Motel

Prove to a lender that you are capable of running a motel. Even if you are interested in purchasing a small motel, in addition to general management skills, you will need to understand basic bookkeeping and accounting concepts, be able to create a budget, keep accurate financial records, promote a favorable public image of the motel and communicate well with people.
Find out as much as you can about the motel you are interested in buying. Ask how long the motel has been in business and how long it has been under the management of the current owner. Ask why the owner is selling. Ask for the motel's financial records for at least the past three years.
Get the advice of an accountant or attorney who can examine any financial documents related to the day-to-day operation of the motel. Choose someone knowledgeable in the hospitality industry who can help you determine the value of the business. Take a look at other motels in the area. Educate yourself as much as you can about the local competition.
Make an offer once you verify the financials. Make the purchase contingent upon you getting the financing. Know what you can afford going in. This is also the time to specify any other conditions of sale. For example, you might request that the current owner make certain repairs or alterations before the date of closing. The overall condition of the property is a critical factor in determining the price.
Negotiate a sale price, amount of deposit and a settlement date. A sales contract signed by the seller gives you the option to buy the motel subject to each of the conditions as specified in the contract. Don't be afraid to negotiate the selling price. While most sellers expect to receive offers lower than what they are asking, be both realistic and fair in the offer you make. Although the final price a seller will accept varies in each situation, some sellers will accept as much as 20 percent lower than the asking price.
Secure financing. Even though a lender will consider the motel itself as one form of collateral, you may have to put up your house as additional security. Aside from having good credit, the lender will want to see proof that the motel will generate enough cash flow each month to pay the bills, including any loans secured to purchase the business. If you can show that the motel takes in more income each month than the money it pays out in expenses, you should be able to qualify for a loan. Lenders typically consider the motel industry a safe investment.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How to Become a Driver's Education Instructor in Texas

Earn a high school diploma or GED. While a bachelor's or associate degree from a university is not required to teach driver's education in Texas, having a degree will improve your chances of being hired.
Meet all driver education instructor prerequisites. Prerequisites include no more than six points on your driver's license and no driving while intoxicated convictions (DWI) within the past seven years.
Attend a Texas Education Agency (TEA) approved driver education teacher preparation course. In Texas, driver education teacher preparation courses are nine semester hours long. After completing the course, you can become licensed as a Teaching Assistant-Full (TA-F) or a Driver Education Teacher (DET).
Download and complete an instructor application form from the TEA website. The application and application fee ($75 as of 2010) can both be submitted online. The TEA will issue you a driver's instructor license.
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Monday, September 21, 2015

How to make money in Precious Metals (5 Steps)

The main four precious metals that you need to concern yourself with are Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium. When thinking of investing in these commodities. One needs to understand the industries that these metals are mostly used. Lets look at each one and identify their strengths and weakness pertaining to how the influence the market.
Silver has always been a solid investment. Staying relatively calm in the last 5 years, most experts agree that an investment in silver is one of the safest you can make. Silver has found its way into medical antimicrobial uses, making its future in the medical field very interesting.
Gold has always been the most sought-after precious metal in history. Over 161,000 tones of gold have been mined over the course of humankind. With this said we have seen gold jump to its highest price in history. Therefore, I would be hesitant to jump right in and invest a good amount of money in the gold market. Gold Fields Ltd and AngloGold Ashanti Ltd are the leading companies in gold mining. China has now become the top country in gold mining and is projected to drive down the price of gold in the up and coming years.
Platinum has been fairly commercialized over the past 10-15 year by celebrity jewelry designers. The fact is over 75% over the worlds Platinum is used in automobile emissions control. So when investing in Platinum do not think jewelry think auto industry. These are the forces really make the market move.
Palladium is a lesser-known precious metal but still worth the investment. Again, the main applications for Palladium is its use in catalytic converters. As the auto industry fluctuates so does the price of Palladium.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Earn a Degree at Home at Your Own Pace

Identify exactly why you're seeking a degree. Are you interested in personal growth for its own sake, or is this degree intended for career advancement?
Determine what degree would be best for your purposes. At the undergraduate level, you might pursue an associate's degree (which normally takes full-time students approximately two years to complete) or a bachelor's degree (four years). You also need to figure out what course of study you prefer, i.e., business, communications, liberal arts, etc.
Search for an appropriate online college using College Navigator, an online database maintained by the U.S. Department of Education. Be sure to click on 'More Search Options' and click the box labelled 'Distance Learning.'
Examine each of the search results to find the most appropriate school. Factors to consider include the rigor of the program (look especially at the accreditation status), tuition and financial aid, and the retention rates. The 'Admissions' tab will offer information on standards for successful applicants to the program.
Apply to the program of your choice. Once you're accepted, you'll be able to proceed with earning your degree at a pace that fits your lifestyle. Some students may only take a course or two at a time, while others are able to handle heavier course loads.
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