Showing posts with label Buy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buy. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2015

How to Make Money Raising Worms (5 Steps)

Contact bait shops, fishing outfitters and guides and convenience stores near lakes and other popular fishing spots and let them know you have worms for sale. Offer to deliver a stock of packaged worms to them once or twice a week.
Contact local garden clubs and garden centers and let them know you have worms for worm composting. Offer to give a talk about worm composting to members, who may then buy worms from you to start their compost bins.
Contact pet stores, fish farms and poultry farms and offer to supply them with earthworms for food.
Run a small ad in the local shopper or paper advertising worms for sale for fishing bait, worm composting or as poultry food. Run the same ad on local e-bulletin boards or Craig's List.
Print fliers and post them on local bulletin boards. Post a flyer about worm composting at your local recycling center. Post fliers on bulletin boards at parks with fishing lakes. Post fliers at feed stores.
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Friday, September 25, 2015

How to Make Money as a Limo Driver

Contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles to inquire about what sort of license you'll need to start working as a limo driver in your area. In some states, you'll be able to start driving a limo with just a clean Class C license if you plan to carry less than a certain number of people. In others you'll need a special chauffeur's license. You may need a certain amount of driving experience and training to qualify for a chauffeur's license or complete a test in some states.
Invest in a chauffeur's uniform. You can buy a chauffeur's uniform from a number of sources online or may be able find a specialist retailer near you that could sell you one. Although some limo companies supply uniforms, you'll be a more attractive prospect to potential employers if you have your own. It's also useful to have your own clothes if you plan to branch out on your own once you've gained some experience.
Learn local roads like the back of your hand. Limos are rarely hired out for long journeys, so it's important that you know your way around the town or city you're going to be driving in. Your clients won't want to be directing you to their destination. Also, it looks a little unprofessional to rely on a GPS system.
Brush up on your customer service skills. Although most people expect to be treated in a polite and civil fashion when they're paying to be driven, your customers will be looking for a little more from you than they might from a standard cab driver. Pay attention to opening doors for your clients and addressing them in a respectful manner.
Approach local limo films to inquire about work. Highlight your fully-licensed status in your resume and cover letter and draw attention to other skills and qualities you have that businesses might be looking for in a driver. Include basic arithmetic, knowledge of local roads and a personable nature.
Complete any training offered once you've secured a job. Most limo firms will provide one or two weeks of on-the-job training before you're let loose on paying customers alone, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Start driving and making money.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Clip Grocery Coupons to Save the Most Money

Before you even start clipping coupons for the week go through your grocery store circular to see what's on sale. Come up with a grocery list based on sale items for the week.
Now that you have your list you can start cutting coupons from the newspaper or printing free online coupons (for great places to find printable coupons see the link in the Resource Section below). ONLY clip coupons for items that are either on your list, are not on your list but that you regularly use, or are currently sale and could replace another product on your list. See Step #5.
Clipping coupons for items on your grocery list is a no brainer. These are items that you'd buy anyway and now you're getting a discount on them. If you find a coupon for a certain brand of pasta, but it's different than the pasta you normally buy, try switching it up. Just make sure the price of the item minus the coupon discount is still cheaper than the price of the brand you normally purchase. This is especially important if you regularly buy store brand items.
If you come across a coupon for an item that you normally use but you don't need it this week clip it anyway. Save it in your coupon folder for one of the following situations. Use the coupon if you run out of the item, if you still have the item but it's on sale at the store (say it's 2/$5 and you have a .50 coupon), or if the coupon is about to expire.
If you come across a coupon for an item that you would not normally buy but you know the item is on sale AND it can replace something on your grocery list clip it. For example, your family usually prefers ice cream as a dessert so you have that on your list to buy. But let's say you come across a $1 off coupon for Jello Brand Pudding snacks. You know from your store's circular that the same product is on sale for $2.50 instead of the regular price of $3.00. In this case clip or print the online coupon and use it to get the pudding dessert instead of the ice cream. Your family will still be able to satisfy their sweet tooth and you can save money by purchasing an on-sale/coupon dessert instead of a full price ice cream. Get the ice cream next week when it's buy one get one free.
Go through your grocery list and put a star next to any item for which you have a coupon. Make a note of the specific brand and any special requirements (ie, must buy 2) next to the product. Immediately after you put the item in your cart, pull your coupon from your file and place it somewhere you won't miss it (the front of your file, your pocket, your cart). When you go to check out you'll have all your coupons together. This way you won't be stuck looking through a pile of clipped coupons while you're rushing to pay and risk missing one.
Don't over-clip! The biggest money trap when it comes to coupons is clipping coupons for items you never use just because it's a good deal. Who cares if you can save $1 on chips if you never eat chips. You can save $3.50 by not buying them at all! Remember, don't cut out coupons for items you wouldn't normally buy otherwise you may be tempted to purchase the item just so you can use your coupon.
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Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to Trade Stocks For Free (5 Steps)

Visit the Zecco website or another free stock trading site. There are limitations how much and how often you can trade, but trading is free within those limits. If you are an avid stock trader, you’ll probably want to buy a subscription to another site.
Open an account on the site. Signing up is free as well. True, with all this free stuff flying around, there should be a catch somewhere. The catch is pretty much laid out up front: you can’t trade as much as other people for free.
Buy stocks. It’s a simple two-word sentence, but it’s much easier said than done. Buying stock isn’t hard, but buying good stock requires a little bit of knowledge about the market. Read the Wall Street Journal, watch financial shows, read a book on trading or watch the stock market itself. Do anything, but don’t just jump in there and start spending money. You won’t have any fun playing a game you don’t understand.
Trade your stock as it goes up in value. By paying close attention to your stocks trends, you should be able to tell when it has reached its peak and when it is a good time to trade it. Just like gambling, trading a stock is a sort of “get-out-while-you-are-ahead” endeavor. If you stay too long, you’ll probably lose all you’ve earned. Nothing is static in the stock market.
Contact a stockbroker if you are having trouble trading or are losing money. The worst way to go after money you’ve lost is to do it hastily and without careful thought. A stockbroker will have lots of wise words to impart on you as well as some helpful advice.
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Thursday, September 17, 2015

How to Make Money With an Embroidery Machine

Plan your business. This includes what you will sell, where you will sell and whether you will work with anyone else. Planning now will help you make choices for your business more easily.
Give your business a distinct name. It must distinguish you from other businesses, especially other local embroidery businesses, so contact the county clerk and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to make sure your name is reasonably unique.
Check with the local U.S. Small Business Administration to find out whether any permit or license requirements apply to embroidery businesses in your area. There will likely be none, but it's best to know the law to avoid repercussions.
Purchase plain cloth items to embroider, such as towels, t-shirts and portable music player covers. These are common items that people may want to customize, but you might also buy plain fabric and picture frames if you enjoy embroidering scenes, for example. Buy wholesale to reduce costs.
Replenish your embroidery supplies with a variety of machine needles and thread colors. Since the items you embroider will be plain, much of the variety between items will come from the colors you use.
Combine the costs from steps 3 and 5 and divide the total by the number of items from step 4. Add this amount to the cost of each item from step 4 to determine how much you need to charge for each item to break even. For example, if your costs in steps 3 and 5 total $150 and you bought a total of 300 items to embroider, you must add 50 cents to the cost of each item in order to break even. Embroiderers often mark up items as much as 200 percent to make a decent profit, according to Embroidery Library.
Embroider at least one of each cloth item to serve as examples of your product. Photograph each item separately against a white background to accurately highlight what it looks like.
Get an account with an online marketplace such as ArtFire, Etsy or Zibbet. These websites specialize in handmade goods. Make your user name the same as your business name.
Upload your product pictures to your seller account. Include the name of each product, a brief description and your minimum price. Invite custom orders.
Assess each customer order as you receive it and return a price quote depending on the complexity of the request. Take pictures of all orders to use as product examples.
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to Make Money in China (4 Steps)

Invest directly. As of 2010, this is the best way to make money in China. The best bets as of now are high technology, energy and the mobile sectors of the economy. Since China acceded to the World Trade Organization in 2001, the Chinese economy has been forced to become more transparent, with a lessened role for state or party actors. This means that investing is easier than it has ever been and China's boom shows no signs of stopping.
Buy the Yuan. The Chinese currency is strong and is likely to remain so. This is because the Yuan is controlled by the state, not by private bankers. As a matter of course, to combat inflation, the Chinese government has decided to keep the Yuan strong so as to deal with the possibly inflationary tendencies of rapid growth.
Buy into firms that are not Chinese, but do much business with China. Here, one can do no wrong with buying shares in Russian oil firms like LUKOil. This is because China is very oil-dependent and, as her boom continues, she will be demanding more and more oil from Russia, her main supplier. As China grows, she will require increased expert information and investment from places like Japan and Taiwan. She is also outsourcing heavily to Indonesia, Vietnam and Burma.
Invest in Taiwanese electronics such as HTC, Acer or VIA technologies. These are high industries that are involved, albeit illegally, in the Chinese economy. Taiwan officially has no trade with China, but 'unofficially' this trade is massive and Chinese companies from Taiwan are making a killing in China. It is likely that this barrier to trade will be lifted as Taiwan and China's economies continue to intertwine. Therefore, it is very likely that Taiwanese firms will be a major part of the electronics and high-technology focus of the Chinese economic boom. Since Taiwan has had transparent trading practices for many years, it is easier to invest in Taiwanese firms in order to make money from mainland China. Especially as China seeks to build her own automobiles, Taiwan's expertise in automotive electronics will become indispensable.
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Saturday, September 12, 2015

How to Make Money in Fable 2

Take some jobs. When you first start adventuring, these are the fastest ways to make gold. They will start out slowly, but as you advance in rank, jobs like Blacksmithing, Bartending and Woodcutting will make quite a bit of money for you. Assuming you get good enough, jobs like Bartending can earn 1,000+ gold for each beverage served.
Invest in property. This is the single greatest way to make money in Fable 2. No other method earns you as much money as renting property does. It will take time to make a lot of money with it, but you will earn money as you play and even when you're not playing. To invest in property, approach the white paper near the door and select 'Buy and Rent Out'. You will collect 1% (give or take a little, depending on the economy) of the property's value every five minutes while playing the game.
Collect some bounties. Later in the game, bounty hunting is a good way to earn some extra cash as well as some Experience and maybe pick up some new items. Make sure you save before you attempt to collect the bounty, just in case it turns out to be more than you can handle.
Be a merchant. Throughout the game, the stores will have sales where you can pick up goods at a 25%, 50% or even 75% discount. Add to that an Owner's Discount (if you own the shop) and you can pick up some goods for next to nothing. Sell these goods back to a vendor when there is a shortage going on and you can earn a tidy profit.
Sell your extras. Do you really need more than one Patchy Coat? Why not sell the rest? You will invariably pick up duplicate clothing and weapons on your journey. Selling the extras can help line your pockets or help you save for the next big purchase.
Run The Crucible if you've got spare time. If you're looking for productive ways to kill time between plot points, why not have a run through The Crucible in Westcliff? You can go back through as many times as you want, and each time means more Experience and gold for you. If you get enough perfect rounds, there are additional prizes.
Add a Gold Burden or Golden Touch augment to one of your weapons. Both of these augments earn you gold each time you kill an opponent with them. Golden Touch is the superior of the two. Gold Burden causes you to do a little less damage, Golden Touch does not.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Become a Hertz Affiliate (6 Steps)

Choose an affiliate network. Hertz offers programs through and TradeDoubler, but is the only oneopen to U.S. residents. If you are located in another country, you may be able to join either program.
Register with the affiliate network. You'll need to supply basic information, along with a link to your website.
Sign up for the Hertz affiliate program. Once you are a member of the network, you can search for the Hertz program and sign up. It may take a few days to receive approval.
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Saturday, September 5, 2015

How to Make Money Flipping Websites

Identify the niche you want to work in. Choose a niche you are familiar with, and focus on niches that will continue to grow rather than ones that may prove to be fads.
Design a simple website that immediately catches your visitors’ attention. You have only a few seconds to catch their interest before they click on the 'Back' button, so compel your visitors to stay on your website.
Buy a website with potential if you don't have Web design skills or you simply don’t want to build a website from scratch. Flip that website by making it valuable to your target market.
Drive traffic to your website through pay-per-click advertising, article marketing, forum marketing and other advertising methods. If you want to eventually flip your website, you must prove that you have a steady stream of visitors every month.
Make sure your website is making money, whether it’s the residual income of a membership site or income from selling niche products. In addition to the traffic your website draws, potential buyers will want to know how much money the website brings in every month.
Begin advertising the sale of your website once you’ve got adequate traffic and the website is making decent money monthly. Create a powerful sales letter to sell your website.
Sell your website to the highest bidder, and start working on your next website flip.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How to Make Extra Money Without a Job! (4 Steps)

Invest a set amount of money per month in a savings account or with a web-based or full-service broker. Even a minimal investment of $100 per month in a standard savings account earns several dollars in interest at a rate of 1 percent annual percentage yield (APY) during the first year, and the interest earned increases every year as your monthly contributions add up. A broker may help you get even larger annual earnings through investments in the stock market, but an element of risk is involved.
Buy and develop a rental property to earn additional money. When property prices and interest rates are low, you can purchase a property and earn enough rent to pay the mortgage, taxes, insurance and upkeep costs on the property while also earning tax deductions that will offset a portion of your rental income.
Start a small business. A small business only requires the amount of effort you want to put into the business, unlike a traditional job that requires you to work on your employer's schedule. If you have a passion for a particular craft or marketable item, multiple online venues exist to help you market your product or acquisitions without a large overhead investment.
Contract your talents and abilities out to others as a freelancer. If you write, draw, design graphics, take photographs or build websites, you can work as an independent contractor instead of an employee for clients you obtain through physical or online networking. People or companies without the desire to complete certain tasks independently prefer to outsource the work to third parties for a set fee and save time and effort within their own business.
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