Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to Make Money by typing online at home (7 Steps)

Ehow has stopped their writers compensation program but has the best one available on the net today
Go to and sign up now if you haven't done so already.
Membership is free and if you decide to share your knowledge and write articles that are in any format, you CAN earn a real passive income here! Join the Writers Compensation Program and put in your Google Adsense information, if you do not have a Google Adsense account you will find a link on the membership area.Sign on for their Writers Compensation Program and enter your Google Adsense information.
Don't have a Google Adsense account? No problem, you will find a link on the site that will take you to Google Adsense.Accept that making money from your articles involves time. is about sharing information and ideas in a nurturing and friendly way. The more time you devote to writing, the more money you can make. Make sure that the articles you write are unique, well written and informative as well as timely and you should do well here.
REALIZE that you can't get something for nothing.
This takes time and effort on your part, but it will NEVER Cost you money! is about community. You should be in the mindset that you are part of a community and you should be there to learn as well as share your own unique information garnered throughout your lifetime.
Not only are you sharing your own ideas but you should also be reading, rating and contemplating what others have written here as well. We all have a vast amount of knowledge about a variety of topics so no matter who you are, there is something that someone has to share that you did not know before reading their articles.
Get How 2s is new but they are another site that will pay you 90% of your google adsensse income if you write content on their website and it is ok with them if you place your content from other sites onto theirs as long as you change things up a bit and the content you post belongs to you.There is a link to Get How 2s in the resources section below
Bukisa will also let you post content that you own on their site, you will have to play with this site a bit to get used to how it works. But hey it is another free site you can join and make money from.There is a link to Bukisa in the resources section below
Redgage is a unique site where you post links to articles, blogs, photos, videos, youtube, etc in one central location.
They you get paid per click from their site to the sites that actually host your articles. People can then rate your articles on redgage to increase your pay per click ratios.
Eventually they will get the documents link up where you can actually post the content directly onto their site as well but as I understand it, it may not be up just yet.
SIGN UP FOR AFFILIATES PROGRAMSThere are several web sites out there that will pay you to sell their merchandise. You do not have to do a thing but post links to their information in your resources section of your articles or if you have a website you can set up an online store or links to individual items.Again this is free to join, and you get paid per click on the sale of their merchandise, you do not have to box, ship or otherwise handle the goods you list for sale.If you use Tweetbucks to shorten those long url's to the affiliate merchandise you often receive more per click than you would have otherwise received by simply using Tweetbucks to shorten those long url's.
I have the url for affiliates page in my resources section below.Say you are writing an article about how to properly apply eye shadow.
You know that sells various shades and types of eye shadow, so you can log onto your affiliates account, locate eye shadows and pick a couple to post onto your resources section on your articles. Now if you use tweetbucks to shorten that long url you can then be paid anytime someone clicks on that link, then if they actually buy something while using your link you will receive a commission off of that sale. Great right?
But how do you figure out what to use out of that HUGE url that gives you?
Well first does not support images so click on text only, then highlight that text by moving your mouse over the text and right clicking and then click select all, then copy. This information you will post into the box on the right side of where you enter the web address. Then go back to your page and you will see that there will be a ' followed by http:// then a long url and another set of ' this information is what you will highlight and copy to place again into your tweetbucks url shortener web page. Now your link will pay more per click than it would have if you just put it straight into your links box.
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to Earn College Credit (12 Steps)

Complete college and university courses to earn college credit. You can enroll as a degree student or as a part-time non-degree student.
Consider online courses for college credit. Many community colleges, for instance, offer online courses at prices lower than most colleges. You can complete some basic courses for credit to help advance faster toward your degree. For example, Clovis Community College in New Mexico offers very affordable online college courses, and the college is regionally accredited.
Take courses at a nearby college and transfer the credits. If a different college in your area offers low-cost summer courses or a course you cannot fit into your schedule at your school, taking courses and then transferring the credits can help smooth your degree process.
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Friday, September 11, 2015

How To a Earn High School Diploma at Home for Cheap

Gather previous high school records. If you started but didn't finish high school, some of your old credits may transfer to your new online school. Also, some online degrees will offer credit for work experience. (See Reference 3) If you never attended high school and don't have any professional work experience, it is likely that you will have to start from the beginning. (See Reference 1)
Set a goal for yourself. Decide how many years you want to spend working for your diploma. You must complete around 16 credits before you can get your degree. (See References 1) If you are working, have kids, or other responsibilities, you may want to take more time working on your degree. If you have transfer credits, your enrollment time may be significantly less. Also, consider what type of degree you want. Some are designed to merely give you a diploma. If you want to go to college, expect to work for at least 24 credits. (See Reference 2)
Create a budget for the program. Look at your finances and see how much you can afford to spend to get your degree. Look for financial aid or scholarships. People or businesses in your community may offer assistance for your endeavor. Some sites may also cover up to 33 percent of your tuition by means of financial aid. (See Reference 1).
Do research online for diploma sites. Consider legitimacy and price when researching. You may only want a degree that is globally accredited. Also, look at what is offered by the site besides courses. Some will offer special amenities when enrolled with their online high school. Look for hidden costs such as enrollment fees, transfer fees, and classroom fess. Hidden costs will add up over time and can be incredibly burdening. Make sure you can access the site at all times of the day. Some sites also offer student guidance programs. These extra amenities are extremely valuable and should not be overlooked. (See Reference 1)' data-modal-content='One Dollar - variations of Crumpled dollar image by PaulPaladin from <a href=''></a>'>
Stick to your graduation plan, but remember to balance study and class time with other parts of your life. While achieving a degree is the ultimate goal, you cannot let it affect the relationships with your friends and family. Toward the end of high school, consider what your goals are: is it working, college, or trade or certification school? If you want to get a job with your new diploma, begin looking around your area. Pick up a couple of applications. Ask employees questions regarding employment experience. You should also verify that the company will take your diploma. If you plan on attending an institution of post-secondary education, begin choosing a major. Also, search for scholarships and financial aid. Contact schools that interest you and ensure that they will take your high school diploma.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Earn The Daisy Petals Girl Scout Promise Center

Read the Girl Scout promise out loud to the Daisy troop. Daisy girls are in kindergarten and first grade. Some of them will not be able to read. Break the promise into sections in order to try to memorize the promise.
Explain what a promise is to the troop. Ask the girls to tell about a time they made a promise to someone. As they talk about the promises they have made to others, expand on each girls' story. Illustrate how they were being a good and honorable friend with each promise.
Find a project in the community that will show the girls how they can serve their country, even at their young age. The girls can collect money for a new flag at the school, clean up the cemetery before Memorial Day, make muffins for Veterans Day or learn how to fold the United States flag.
In the promise, the girls vow to serve God. Ask them to speak with a parent about how they can serve God in their lives.
Take a field trip to understand the being helpful at all times promise. The Daisies focus is gardening. Focus on the gardening theme when teaching the Daisies how to be helpful. Take the girls out in the community with trash bags and rakes. Rake the yard of an elderly neighbor.
The blue promise center is presented to each Daisy when the troop leader feels she understands the promise. The girls work on adding each petal of the daisy after they have earned the promise center.
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Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Make Money in Direct Sales

Decide if you are more comfortable doing person-to-person marketing, Internet marketing or traditional advertising. Whichever ways you choose to spread the word about your product, service or opportunity, your message will stay relatively the same.
Become comfortable with all the details about your product and/or opportunity so that you have the confidence to answer questions.
Realize that the direct sales model is based upon relationship building with people. Being a great salesperson means being a great listener. You should get to know your prospects as well as possible by showing genuine interest. The more you know about your prospects, the more you know what they want, what their fears and reservations are and what they expect from you.
Attend community functions and/or join as many social networking sites as possible to begin expanding your social network. Useful social networking sites for direct sales are Twitter, MySpace and Facebook.
Stay in close contact with whoever recruited you into your direct sales business. Your 'upline,' or those above you in the business, should have tools and resources to help you grow your business. Many in the direct sales business host hotel meetings and home presentations to support those in their organization and boost recruitment. Attend local training and recruiting meetings and bring along prospects to increase your organization's growth.
Make a video of yourself. Talk about your background, your experience and your product, service and/or opportunity. Many people want to connect with someone they can relate to, so video marketing is an incredibly effective sales tool. Include your telephone number and/or website in your video.
Upload your videos to popular video sharing sites such as YouTube, Vimeo and Metacafe. Include as many keywords in your video description as you can, and make sure those keywords are relevant to your product and also to your competitor's products.
Look for direct sales companies that are new or relatively new. Remember that in the direct sales model, those at the top make residual income from all those who subsequently join. Therefore, it makes sense not to join a company that has thousands and thousands of affiliates and has been around for years because the growth potential is limited. By joining newer direct sales companies, chances for more residual income are greater.
Believe in the products you are selling. Authenticity is the best sales tool there is when it comes to relationship marketing.
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Make Money Sewing (3 Steps)

Busy professionals need tailors or seamstresses to alter and customize their business suits. Some drycleaners offer alteration services, but many times they simply just outsource the sewing work to others. You can offer one on one attention with a customer and ensure that he is getting exactly what he needs.Print flyers and post them in local laundromats and dry-cleaning businesses to advertise your services. Take out an ad in the local community sales paper and offer your services. Use word of mouth to inform others of what you can do for them.
Customize your services and specialize in a specific area such as sewing doll clothes, baby clothes or curtains. Start by going to local craft and fashion stores and get a good idea of what the customers are buying. Develop your own original designs and ideas for similar products. Make samples to give to friends and family to spread the word about your creations.
Nursing, physical therapy, and culinary students and military often need patches and emblems sewn on their uniforms or scrubs. Contact local schools and colleges and ask if you can post a flyer with your information in a student area or on the school's message board.
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