Showing posts with label dry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dry. Show all posts

Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Make Money Sewing (3 Steps)

Busy professionals need tailors or seamstresses to alter and customize their business suits. Some drycleaners offer alteration services, but many times they simply just outsource the sewing work to others. You can offer one on one attention with a customer and ensure that he is getting exactly what he needs.Print flyers and post them in local laundromats and dry-cleaning businesses to advertise your services. Take out an ad in the local community sales paper and offer your services. Use word of mouth to inform others of what you can do for them.
Customize your services and specialize in a specific area such as sewing doll clothes, baby clothes or curtains. Start by going to local craft and fashion stores and get a good idea of what the customers are buying. Develop your own original designs and ideas for similar products. Make samples to give to friends and family to spread the word about your creations.
Nursing, physical therapy, and culinary students and military often need patches and emblems sewn on their uniforms or scrubs. Contact local schools and colleges and ask if you can post a flyer with your information in a student area or on the school's message board.
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