Showing posts with label keyword. Show all posts
Showing posts with label keyword. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2015

How to Become an Online Promoter

Conduct research to find out what sells online and sign up as an affiliate. Navigate to a website that offers a variety of products for sale online and affiliate commissions for referrals such as, Clickbank, Commission Junction or LinkShare.
Set up an online payment account with a third-party vendor in accordance with the affiliate company's requirements. This will allow you to receive commission payments on purchases consumers make.
Review categories for bestselling items to determine a marketing niche at one of the online websites in Step 1.
Select a marketing niche and a product with which you are knowledgeable and feel comfortable promoting from those that receive a lot of activity from the research conducted in the previous step.
Develop a list of keywords buyers might use to find these products online. Conduct research using free online keyword tools such as Google's External Keyword Tool, SEO Keyword or WordTracker's free keyword tool. Choose words that receive at least 1,000 searches a month but don't have competing pages over 100,000. To determine the number of competing pages, enclose the keyword in quotes and submit it to the search engine of choice. Note the number of pages that appear beneath the search term in small type. It will say something similar to 'Pages 1-20 of 100,000.' Discard the keyword for searches the result in more than 100,000 competitive pages. Save this list to a spreadsheet, complete with the number of searches conducted each month and the number of competing pages.
Navigate to any one of the free sites such as Weebly, Blogger, Squidoo, Hubpages or more and create a free account to develop Web pages.
Create keyword-rich content that offers information about the product or focuses on specific buyer keywords on your free Web page.
Insert links in the page's content following the site's policy for referrals that include your affiliate identification. Users interested in finding out more can click on the in-text links.
Write multiple articles using buyer keywords in the title and article text that appeal to a reader's pain or pleasure points that coincide with the product's solution to either. Write original content for each different set of keywords -- from five to 10 articles.
Submit the original content to article directories that allow links to your free Web page in an 'Author's Resource' box. Such article directories might include Ezine Articles, Go Articles or Articles Base.
Find blogs along similar themes that allow comments. Review the blog and add relevant comments to the topic (otherwise it will be viewed as spam) and include a link to your Web page in the field provided.
Bookmark your created Web pages using free bookmarking services online such as Digg, Stumble Upon and Only Wire to receive more page views. This increases backlinks to your site and raises its relevancy in the eyes of the major search engines.
Evaluate the results of your efforts after approximately two to three weeks. Transfer deposits made to your bank account for affiliate commissions on product sales made.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Earn Money With Google Analytics (5 Steps)

Monitor a website's performance. Apply Google Analytics software and immediately start tracking the specific traffic on your site. Re-inventing your site is re-inventing your online business; it can earn you dollars.
Use Google Analytics on Google Adwords and Adsense. These stand-alone elements of a search engine use keyword-specific patterns to attract web traffic; using Google Analytics can make them more effective. The combination of the targeted ads with truly accurate tracking tools is a powerful one for calculating admakers.
Compare keyword campaigns. Many sites are using keyword driven SEO (search engine optimization) articles. They have writers and servers: what they may not have is a way to evaluate their campaigns. Google Analytics fills this gap and helps operators improve for bigger earnings.
Use Geotargeting for web traffic demographics. Specific features of Google Analytics help users find out where their audience is coming from. Knowing who is browsing your site helps business owners envision future changes to focus on the right groups.
Use time-based trend models to evaluate web use over time. Another special feature of Google Analytics is chronological charts that will show dynamically what is happening on a site or campaign over time. This helps users think about how to get that graph to spike using creativity and known data.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to Earn Money Writing Content Articles Online

Log onto Associated Content. Associated Content is a popular website for online content writing jobs. You can earn money writing reviews, news articles, travel guides, how-to articles, and more. Associated Content offers upfront payments for their content articles. Payments are anywhere from $3, $5, or sometimes $10 for your online content. You also receive earnings for article page-views too. Associated Content lets you decide if you would like to publish your article as exclusive or non-exclusive. This way you can decide if you would like to publish your content elsewhere. (see resources)
Spread your knowledge on Ehow! Ehow is a wonderful outlet for all types of how-to articles! You can learn and earn on Ehow. You earn money from your content article views. It is important to have popular keywords and SEO and keyword density knowledge so that you can bring visitors to your content article. Within months, you can earn money writing and start to pay any of your bills, pay down on a credit card, or even buy yourself a gift for all of the hard work that you have done. (see resources)
Start an online blog and then earn money at Pay Per Post. You can create free blogs at Blogger and write your own content. At Pay per Post, your blog must be at least 90 days old, and have frequent postings. Once your blog has been accepted, you can browse through assignments, and post links or short articles on your blog to earn money. Some can be as little as $0.50 while others can earn you up to $10. You usually get paid within 30 days. (see resources)
Write an online blog at Today offers $1 per post per day on your blog plus page-views. It is important to build a readership to be successful on Today. You earn money writing from page-views and also your posts. Payment is every 30 days once you reach the $10 payout. A neat quirk about Today, is that they often offer free t-shirts too! While a t-shirt won't make you money-it is a great way to advertise where you write...(see resources)
Earn money writing online at Bukisa. You earn money for page views at Bukisa. They allow previously published content as well. You can upload videos too. Bukisa also allows you to create a network of other writers by signing up under you. You earn a percentage of their earnings as well. Bukisa is free to sign up. Post your online articles at their website to begin earning money. (see resources)
Always carry a notebook or a little notepad with you when you get an idea! You never know when an idea for a content article or video could hit you! Keep track of all of the pencils and notebooks you purchase as well! If you made enough at the end of the year-you can use these supplies as tax write-offs! This is a beneficial tip for every online content writer. As long as you look hard enough, you can usually always find some type of writing job online.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Start Highly Profitable Home Based Affiliate Business for Long Term Success

Learn everything you have to know about the affiliate marketing business such as what exactly it is, how it work, why you have to build your own affiliate business, how many types of affiliate programs there are and how to market & advertise those programs. This is your first step to get up to speed in the home based affiliate business. The more you learn, the more you know.
Setup your goals, plan your actions and take your action seriously. Your goals, plans and actions are the most significant for you to build and run your home based affiliate business. Without them, you are losing the direction in your business and you will never earn big affiliate commission. I would love to recommend you to plan your work for your affiliate business and work your plan seriously.
Build high quality website with your original content & keep your website fresh and new always. There is no doubt that website is one of the most important for affiliate entrepreneurs to convert visitors into customers. The real successful in the home based affiliate business is to build high quality and conversion rate website along with the quality content. My experiences show that the affiliate marketing business is all about content-driven business. All you have to do is to provide high quality and relevancy content to your market.
Write great articles & press release with niche keyword-rich and submit them manually to well-known article directories including paid article directories. The article marketing is one of the most effective approaches to drive massive of traffic to your affiliate website. The real key successes in the article marketing are to write the original unique & high quality articles along with well-written style and spread your articles into the world.
Provide great newsletter & up-to-date information in your niche markets and follow up with back end-selling process. Without capturing the visitors' personal information, you are losing the opportunities to earn more affiliate commission and to build a relationship with them. My experiences show that the email promotion internet marketing is a must for affiliate entrepreneurs in order to ensure that they can build the relationship and provide great back-end selling process in the future.
Establish your own blog, RSS, & Podcasting for your niche markets to reach wider range of your customers. Blogging online marketing is one of the fastest growing marketing strategies on the internet. My investigations show that most of internet users have their own blogs. And most internet entrepreneurs earn money with their blogs. They use it as an alternative way to market their products online.
Conduct bi-weekly free special reports for your area and spread those reports to the world. Recently, viral marketing technique is a must internet marketing technique for any kind of online business. If you want to run and grow your home based affiliate business, you have to take your viral marketing into your action seriously. With this marketing strategy and quality special reports, you are building your reputation, creditability and reliability for your market.
Participant proactively in forums, chat-rooms, and social networking site. My high recommendation is to establish your network connection in your areas. Try to be socialized rather than sale pitch is the best way for your home based affiliate business. I strongly recommend you to participant in the proactive forums. With those kinds of forums, you can exchange your knowledge and experiences easier. My experiences reveal that all members in the proactive forums are willing to exchange their experiences and knowledge.
Drive more targeted-traffic through Pay-Per-Click advertising such as Google Adwords, Overture and MSNAdCenter. Without the great knowledge and proper steps of how to build highly profitable pay per click campaign, you are losing your money & time. Otherwise, you can earn top affiliate commission on the internet through your pay per click advertising.
Stay in your business, grow your business every day and do your best everyday! My highest recommendation in this step is 'don't give up too quick'. You have to learn and grow your home based affiliate business every day!
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Promote Credit Cards (4 Steps)

Design a website or have one designed by a computer professional. Alternatively, create the website for no charge on your own by using free website templates or blog programs. Affiliates with no design skills need to hire a computer professional to build a website for them from scratch.
Choose a marketable niche. Pick a target market that you've determined you can rank for in the search engines. This will help drive traffic to your website when you use the proper keyword terms. Credit card companies you apply to will review your website prior to approving you as an affiliate. Ensure the website is pleasing to the eye, is interesting to potential consumers and meets the criteria credit card companies require such as a Terms and Conditions Page, a Privacy Policy, contact information and the appropriate FTC-required affiliate disclaimers.
Join an affiliate credit card program by signing up via the Internet. Select affiliate programs that closely match the needs of the people who will be visiting your niche website. For example, if your web property is in the college student niche, promote credit cards that cater to the needs of college students and provide features they may find appealing such as not needing a co-signer and getting cash back when they use their card to buy books for school.
Set up a means to collect payments. By promoting affiliate products such as credit card offers, you will need a way to receive payments from the credit card merchant after a visitor has signed up for a credit card at your site. Be certain that the affiliate companies with which you work, have the correct bank account on file for timely payments. Some merchants pay affiliate earnings through a third-party payment site like PayPal, which makes receiving payments quick and easy.
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