Showing posts with label bring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bring. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Earn The Most Money From Your Consignment

A lot of people try consigning their gently used items for extra cash! Consignment is a great way to not only get back some money for your stuff, but it also helps by recycling and helping people less fortunate than others by provided them a more inexpensive, but just as nice, wardrobe, accessories, furniture, or other things!
There's lots of different factors to earning the most in consignment. All consignment stores are different, and generally, all individually run. Consignment is NOT the same as resale, like Plato's Closet, they pay you a percentage up front. In most consignment settings you have to wait until the end of the consignment period to be paid for the things that sold and it is split between the consignment store and the consignor.
The easiest way to make the most money in consignment is QUALITY. Consign your items that are in the best shape and probably cost more than some other items. Keep an eye on your labels and only bring in the best labels you can find. Don't consign stuff from Kmart or Walmart, unless its brand new and tagged. These stores already sell items for cheap, so the resale and quality of the piece usually is not as profitable. Items for consignment should look new, very gently worn, and have resellability to them. Many people purchase new items, change their minds or end up not liking something about the items and have gone beyond the period of returning the merchandise. Leave on the price tags/stickers to show that you are consigning a brand new item. Newly tagged items get scooped up quick in consignment!
Always present clothing that you would hang in your closet on a hanger, most shops will exchange for their own hangers. Casual everyday clothing should be presented folded up nicely in a storage tote, laundry basket, or handled shopping bag. Always wash, dry-clean, and press your items. This makes the items smell clean and fresh, look their best, and will bring in more profit for you, the consignor!
Don't confuse items that should be donated or tossed away as good consignment clothing. Well-run consignment stores won't even look at these types of items. Remember if YOU wouldn't pay even 50 cents for it at a rummage, why would someone else pay a few dollars for it?
If possible, provide the shop with original receipts and original packaging for more expensive items. Especially when dealing with designer purses(Coach, Louis Vuitton, Kate Spade, Gucci,etc.), formalwear, easter clothing for kids, designer expensive shoes, watches, jewelry, these items all sell for the most when the consignment shop knows the original purchase price and can display it in the original packaging.
Don't EXPECT to make a fortune! Usually in consignment you should expect that you will make more money on each item than you would selling it at a rummage, but not more than half of what you paid for it originally. Some people think they will make hundred of dollars, some people do, but if you don't spend a lot on your items originally, factor that in. Also check with your local shop to see when they take what items (seasonally, or otherwise), how many items you can bring in at a time, what the consignment split is, and if you can pick up what didn't sell or if it would be donated to charity through the shop. These tips will always pay off in the end! Bring in your GOOD stuff, not the crap! Because all consignment stores vary on what they offer call around and do research on who will pay you the most and think about how the items you are done with will fit in with the shop.
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Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Make Money Online Without a Credit Card

Learn all you can about online marketing for free The first step to making money online without a credit card is to simply learn how to earn money online. While you might think that not having a credit card is a disadvantage, that is actually not true. There are so many free sources online to learn about internet marketing that you do not have to purchase anything in order to learn all you need to know. In fact, those that have credit cards sometimes waste tens, if not hundreds, of dollars buying products that teach you what you can learn for free online.
Get yourself a debit card If you do not have one already, you will want to get yourself a debit card (also known as a bank card or check card). These look like credit cards, but they are not credit cards as they take money directly out of your bank account. Many websites online will accept payment by debit card - so you can use these to make money online, even if you don't have an actual credit card.
Sign up for PayPal Next, you will want to get yourself a PayPal account. With a PayPal account, you can both pay for expenses online and receive payments online. You do not need a credit card to get a PayPal account, but you will need a bank account.
Sign up for free websites Next, you will want to create at least one free website for yourself. A website is a basic component to make money online, with or without a credit card. You don't need a fancy website - even a simple blog can bring in some money online.You can sign up for a free website. There are various website hosts that do not charge for hosting. Search for 'free website hosting'. You can also sign up for a free blog account. Popular free blog accounts include and Blogger.Again, since these sites are free, you avoid using your credit card.
Pay for web hosting using bank transfer or debit card Free website and blog hosting is good for beginners, but usually have limitations. If you are very serious about making money online you can buy yourself a domain name and get low cost website hosting without using a credit card. There are many website hosts that will let you pay either by PayPal (see step 3) or by direct bank transfer. Just do a search and you will find many.
Sign up for affiliate programs One very common way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. You simply sign up as an affiliate, insert special code on your website and make money whenever a user clicks on your link and makes a purchase. (Some affiliate programs pay you per click or lead instead of per sale.)
Lucky for you, many, if not most, affiliate programs, allow you to get paid without a credit card. Some affiliate programs will deposit money in your PayPal account and some have an option to pay you by check. Note: Before signing up for an affiliate program, read through their payment information carefully to make sure you can will pay you without a credit card or merchant account.
Advertise your website through Adwords without a credit card One of the best ways to advertise your website is through Google Adwords. Again, you are not limited to paying for Google Adwords with your credit card. Depending on your country, you can pay by direct bank transfer.
Make money through Google Adsense without a credit card Google Adsense is another great way to make money online. Again, you do not need to accept credit cards in order to get paid through Adsense.
Payment methods you can choose include U.S. dollar checks and electronic funds tranfsfer. See resources below for details on Google Adsense payment options.
Sell products online through Paypal You can sell your own products online and get paid through PayPal. You do not need a credit card or merchant account to sell products through PayPal online.
Allow for alternate methods of payment for your products or services Some customers are scared to pay by credit card online. They might be weary to pay by PayPal as well. This can be especially true if you are selling expensive products or selling to an audience that is not used to buying online. In these cases you should allow alternate methods of payment such as transferring money directly into your bank account and/or paying you using a personal or business check.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to Earn Money Writing Content Articles Online

Log onto Associated Content. Associated Content is a popular website for online content writing jobs. You can earn money writing reviews, news articles, travel guides, how-to articles, and more. Associated Content offers upfront payments for their content articles. Payments are anywhere from $3, $5, or sometimes $10 for your online content. You also receive earnings for article page-views too. Associated Content lets you decide if you would like to publish your article as exclusive or non-exclusive. This way you can decide if you would like to publish your content elsewhere. (see resources)
Spread your knowledge on Ehow! Ehow is a wonderful outlet for all types of how-to articles! You can learn and earn on Ehow. You earn money from your content article views. It is important to have popular keywords and SEO and keyword density knowledge so that you can bring visitors to your content article. Within months, you can earn money writing and start to pay any of your bills, pay down on a credit card, or even buy yourself a gift for all of the hard work that you have done. (see resources)
Start an online blog and then earn money at Pay Per Post. You can create free blogs at Blogger and write your own content. At Pay per Post, your blog must be at least 90 days old, and have frequent postings. Once your blog has been accepted, you can browse through assignments, and post links or short articles on your blog to earn money. Some can be as little as $0.50 while others can earn you up to $10. You usually get paid within 30 days. (see resources)
Write an online blog at Today offers $1 per post per day on your blog plus page-views. It is important to build a readership to be successful on Today. You earn money writing from page-views and also your posts. Payment is every 30 days once you reach the $10 payout. A neat quirk about Today, is that they often offer free t-shirts too! While a t-shirt won't make you money-it is a great way to advertise where you write...(see resources)
Earn money writing online at Bukisa. You earn money for page views at Bukisa. They allow previously published content as well. You can upload videos too. Bukisa also allows you to create a network of other writers by signing up under you. You earn a percentage of their earnings as well. Bukisa is free to sign up. Post your online articles at their website to begin earning money. (see resources)
Always carry a notebook or a little notepad with you when you get an idea! You never know when an idea for a content article or video could hit you! Keep track of all of the pencils and notebooks you purchase as well! If you made enough at the end of the year-you can use these supplies as tax write-offs! This is a beneficial tip for every online content writer. As long as you look hard enough, you can usually always find some type of writing job online.
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