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Showing posts with label component. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Earn the IB Diploma (6 Steps)

Attend a school certified by the International Baccalaureate. Only these schools can issue an IB diploma. The school is required to complete an authorization program that lasts nearly 2 years, which consists of a feasibility study and a campus visit. Each school has to be re-accredited every 5 years.
Take your Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course. This 100-hour course is designed to teach you how to examine evidence and assert your point of view in a rational argument.
Divide up your time in the creativity, action and service (CAS) component of the IB program. Generally, you will equally split your required 150 hours in one creative pursuit (such as theater or music), one sports activity and one community service activity.
Decide what topic you will investigate in depth, in consultation with an academic advisor. You will then prepare a 4,000-word essay on it.
Select your core classes from six different subject groups. You will be expected to do in-depth study in at least 3 of 6 groups and what is called 'standard' level in the remaining groups. Each group has an assigned numbers. Group 1 covers your own language, group 2 covers another language, group 3 covers topics under the heading individuals and societies (philosophy, economics, business, management, psychology, social anthropology, geography and history), group 4's topics are termed the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and environmental systems), group 5 covers mathematics and group 6 topics are arts and electives (dance, music, painting, film and theater arts).
Score at least 24 points towards your IB diploma. You will earn three for your TOK, CAS and your 4000 word essay. Your remaining points will be determined on how well you do in your subjects from the six groups. These points are granted based on how you do in the classes themselves and how you perform on an exam to be graded by someone other than your instructors.
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Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Make Money Online Without a Credit Card

Learn all you can about online marketing for free The first step to making money online without a credit card is to simply learn how to earn money online. While you might think that not having a credit card is a disadvantage, that is actually not true. There are so many free sources online to learn about internet marketing that you do not have to purchase anything in order to learn all you need to know. In fact, those that have credit cards sometimes waste tens, if not hundreds, of dollars buying products that teach you what you can learn for free online.
Get yourself a debit card If you do not have one already, you will want to get yourself a debit card (also known as a bank card or check card). These look like credit cards, but they are not credit cards as they take money directly out of your bank account. Many websites online will accept payment by debit card - so you can use these to make money online, even if you don't have an actual credit card.
Sign up for PayPal Next, you will want to get yourself a PayPal account. With a PayPal account, you can both pay for expenses online and receive payments online. You do not need a credit card to get a PayPal account, but you will need a bank account.
Sign up for free websites Next, you will want to create at least one free website for yourself. A website is a basic component to make money online, with or without a credit card. You don't need a fancy website - even a simple blog can bring in some money online.You can sign up for a free website. There are various website hosts that do not charge for hosting. Search for 'free website hosting'. You can also sign up for a free blog account. Popular free blog accounts include and Blogger.Again, since these sites are free, you avoid using your credit card.
Pay for web hosting using bank transfer or debit card Free website and blog hosting is good for beginners, but usually have limitations. If you are very serious about making money online you can buy yourself a domain name and get low cost website hosting without using a credit card. There are many website hosts that will let you pay either by PayPal (see step 3) or by direct bank transfer. Just do a search and you will find many.
Sign up for affiliate programs One very common way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. You simply sign up as an affiliate, insert special code on your website and make money whenever a user clicks on your link and makes a purchase. (Some affiliate programs pay you per click or lead instead of per sale.)
Lucky for you, many, if not most, affiliate programs, allow you to get paid without a credit card. Some affiliate programs will deposit money in your PayPal account and some have an option to pay you by check. Note: Before signing up for an affiliate program, read through their payment information carefully to make sure you can will pay you without a credit card or merchant account.
Advertise your website through Adwords without a credit card One of the best ways to advertise your website is through Google Adwords. Again, you are not limited to paying for Google Adwords with your credit card. Depending on your country, you can pay by direct bank transfer.
Make money through Google Adsense without a credit card Google Adsense is another great way to make money online. Again, you do not need to accept credit cards in order to get paid through Adsense.
Payment methods you can choose include U.S. dollar checks and electronic funds tranfsfer. See resources below for details on Google Adsense payment options.
Sell products online through Paypal You can sell your own products online and get paid through PayPal. You do not need a credit card or merchant account to sell products through PayPal online.
Allow for alternate methods of payment for your products or services Some customers are scared to pay by credit card online. They might be weary to pay by PayPal as well. This can be especially true if you are selling expensive products or selling to an audience that is not used to buying online. In these cases you should allow alternate methods of payment such as transferring money directly into your bank account and/or paying you using a personal or business check.
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