Showing posts with label Generally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Generally. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How to Earn the IB Diploma (6 Steps)

Attend a school certified by the International Baccalaureate. Only these schools can issue an IB diploma. The school is required to complete an authorization program that lasts nearly 2 years, which consists of a feasibility study and a campus visit. Each school has to be re-accredited every 5 years.
Take your Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course. This 100-hour course is designed to teach you how to examine evidence and assert your point of view in a rational argument.
Divide up your time in the creativity, action and service (CAS) component of the IB program. Generally, you will equally split your required 150 hours in one creative pursuit (such as theater or music), one sports activity and one community service activity.
Decide what topic you will investigate in depth, in consultation with an academic advisor. You will then prepare a 4,000-word essay on it.
Select your core classes from six different subject groups. You will be expected to do in-depth study in at least 3 of 6 groups and what is called 'standard' level in the remaining groups. Each group has an assigned numbers. Group 1 covers your own language, group 2 covers another language, group 3 covers topics under the heading individuals and societies (philosophy, economics, business, management, psychology, social anthropology, geography and history), group 4's topics are termed the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and environmental systems), group 5 covers mathematics and group 6 topics are arts and electives (dance, music, painting, film and theater arts).
Score at least 24 points towards your IB diploma. You will earn three for your TOK, CAS and your 4000 word essay. Your remaining points will be determined on how well you do in your subjects from the six groups. These points are granted based on how you do in the classes themselves and how you perform on an exam to be graded by someone other than your instructors.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How do I Make Money With an At Home Auto Body Shop?

Find a location that is suitable for your shop. You'll want to check your town's zoning laws to see if any permits are required. Don't forget to plan for a ventilation system. The fumes generated by paint and solvents can be toxic in enclosed spaces. You can rent or build a garage, or you could look into a franchise opportunity. High-traffic areas equal more exposure, which generally equals more money, so keep this in mind as well.
Talk to local auto dealers to help spread the word of your shop. Whether you already have a shop that is failing to turn a profit, or you are just starting up, creating a network of like businesses in the area can increase profitability immensely. You might be able to form contracts with them so they will send you all clients in need of a certain type of repair. You may also be able to advertise through these other businesses in return for advertising theirs.
Offer discounts or free services, since people will be more likely to give you a chance if you are affordable. Be creative and use freebies to drum up business, such as 'buy a paint job and decals are free.' This way the client will use you for the paint job and will have a chance to see your work, as well as feel good because they are getting something free. Be sure you are doing your best work. Fair, affordable, quality work will be hard for prospective clients to pass up.
Work hard to make your customer service top-notch. Everyone involved will be representing your company --- from who answers your phone to who does the body work to who keeps the shop clean. Make sure they are projecting the image you want. A clean, friendly storefront that does a great job is going to keep existing customers as well as draw in new ones. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth.
Advertise your services via business cards, brochures, websites, bulletin boards, local papers, and your network of colleagues. Really work hard to get your name out there, and make sure your reputation is positive.
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