Showing posts with label eligible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eligible. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015

How to Use Points to Redeem Prizes

Obtain your rewards card and accumulate points. Present the card or enter your rewards card number when making purchases in a store or online, accumulating points. Each eligible purchase awards a certain number of points to your rewards card.
Review the rewards prizes to find out how many points are required to receive a particular prize of your choice.
Redeem your prizes after you have enough points, applying the accumulated point value to the prize. Use your points to order the item.
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Saturday, September 12, 2015

How to Earn Badges in Brownies (3 Steps)

Earn a Journey award. These are groups of patches, laid out along a linear journey of research, discussions and actions. Each journey award can be earned by earning the four badges that make up the stages of the journey. The Journey awards for Brownies are the It's Your World, Change It! award, the It's Your Planet, Love It! award and the It's Your Story, Tell It! award. Journey awards may be earned by working with an adult guide who has the necessary information and training to guide Brownies through that journey. Talk to your scout master to find an eligible guide to help you earn these journey award. These awards belong to the category or Grade-Level Awards.
Earn a Brownie Try-It award. There are 60 of these awards that require the completion of a specific activity or set of activities. There are 57 Try-Its and the requirements for each available in the official 'Try-Its Handbook for Brownie Girl Scouts', but you can also find the requirements for some of these journeys online on the Girl Scouts website. For instance, to earn the Wave the Flag patch, Brownies must choose four of six suggested patriotic activities to participate in. These activities include creating a collage of pictures representing America, planning a Memorial Day party or doing a good deed for someone. These awards also belong to the category of Grade-Level Awards.
Earn Participation Patches. These patches are earned by completing a series of activities tied together by a single theme. Some of the activities may be done by meeting other Brownies Grade Level Award requirements. The Linking Girls to the Land Patch, for instance, requires girls to either earn a Grade-Level Award that is related to the outdoors, environment or science by working with a federal natural resource agency, participate in a Linking Girls to the Land project that can be found on the related website, interviewing and job-shadowing an individual working for a federal natural resource agency, visiting an environmental, science or outdoors related destination recommended by Girl Scouts, or demonstrating and teaching to others environmentally aware ethics as outlined by the Linking Girls to the Land Patch program. Some of the programs relating to these patches, such as the Linking Girls to the Land Patch, can be found online, for others you must contact your scout master.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Create an Affiliate Program (7 Steps)

Identify your target market. You must know who your target market is, including such vital information as an average level of education and physical location, if you want to properly market your product or service.
Set a commission that you will pay your affiliates for each sale they make. You must make the commission high enough, typically no lower than 50 percent of the sale price, to make it worth an affiliate’s time to promote your product or service.
Decide who is eligible to become an affiliate. For instance, will you allow anyone from anywhere in the world to join your affiliate program, or must the person reside in the United States or in North America?
Determine whether you will provide your affiliates with a website that is identical to the one you are using to sell your product or service or whether they will have to create a Web site themselves to promote your product or service. Providing them with a web template will make it much easier and much quicker for them to start their promotional efforts.
Make it easy for your affiliates to promote your product by providing them with content for their website and to use when marketing and by offering them banner ads, in different sizes, they can display to advertise your product or service.
Begin finding affiliates. There are numerous ways to find affiliates, including adding a link on your website that will directly take those who are interested to your affiliate sign-up sheet, using pay-per-click advertising like Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing and emailing prospective affiliates with whom you are interested in partnering.
Continue to recruit affiliates as you can never have too many affiliates, and you never know when an affiliate will decide to stop promoting your product or service. Remember, the more affiliates you have, the more money you are likely to make.
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