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Showing posts with label updated. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Making Money With Google Trends

Register a blog or website, and monetize your Internet space with Google Adsense. This step is will neither cost you money nor will it be time consuming. In fact, Google offers users free blogs with its Blogger publishing platform, as does Wordpress. If you register for the Google Adsense program, you can arrange for small advertisements to appear on chosen webpages. Any time that visitors click on these ads, you will receive a certain amount of money. (These amounts vary depending on which ad is clicked and how much each advertiser is willing to pay site owners to promote its services.)
Refer to constantly updated data on Google Trends. The beauty of Google Trends is that it functions in almost real-time. This service provided by Google seeks to track user interest in common search terms. Thus, if you enter the words 'make money,' you will presented with a line graph that will chart the popularity of this term over the span of several years. However, by comparison, a search for the term 'making money' reveals a lower search volume. Thus, if you are trying to decide which of these terms to include in a blog post, you may want to use 'make money,' since it will probably bring more visitors to your blog and those visitors may decide to click on your Adsense ads.
Use Google Trends to assess your competition. In addition to supplying data about common search terms, Google Trends will also give you information about websites. This is valuable to you if you are seeking to make money with Google Trends, since you can discover how your competition is performing. Perhaps the websites you are studying have experienced peaks of traffic in the past, but have declined in popularity in the last few months. Thus, data from this application will help to remove mystery from the websites and allow you to see how they tick.
Gauge the value of time in Google Trends data. Time is a vital factor in advertising, and Google Trends is the best place to look if you are trying to assess the popularity of particular keywords over time. When choosing keywords for your writing, choose words with staying power, and not simply words that are popular for a few days before disappearing from the radar of Internet users. Study data and try to infer reasons why certain terms rise and fall in popularity.
Examine data on regions, cities or language to learn about the makeup of your audience. When you use keywords in your writing, you are targeting your work to specific readers. Ideally, these readers are English-speaking; however, they may speak other languages depending on the keywords you use. For example, Google Trends states that nearly as many people from Japan are entering term 'iPod' in Google search bars as from the United States. The more you know about your audience, the more you can target this audience with keyword-rich articles.
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Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Make More Money as an Amazon Affiliate

~ Choose The Items You Promote Carefully ~ The most important thing you can do to make more money as an Amazon affiliate is to choose the things you promote carefully. Read reviews before you paste a link on your website. If you promote products that are junk, people will no longer trust your opinion.
~ Give your Visitors Lots of Free Information ~ Most people are looking for something when they are on the internet. If you provide people will lots of free, high-quality information, they are going to come to your site again and again. Eventually, they will trust you enough to buy items that you recommend on your site. Keep your content fresh and updated all the time.
~ Use Text Links ~ There is a lot of research to back up the opinion that text links work better than banner ads. Yes, a picture is worth a 1,000 words, but in the case of internet selling, sometimes words are better. People recognize banner ads as advertisements. That means they ignore them. However, if you write a great article with some text links strategically placed, people will get the impression that you are helping them. You become a friend and not a sales person.
~ Pre-Sell Your Visitors ~ To make more money as an Amazon affiliate, you've got to pre-sell your visitors. You'll do this by providing free information and through the use of your words. For example, if you have a site about guitars, you can pre-sell your clients by giving honest reviews about different guitars. Give your visitors lots of information that will help lead them into a sale.
~ Add an aStore to your Site ~ If you have a website, adding an aStore to your site is a good idea, but don't have a site that is nothing but a store. If people wanted to shop, they'd go immediately to the Amazon site. You will get your visitors by providing them content - the store should be an addition to your site, but the main focus of your site.
~ Offer Your Visitors a Newsletter or eZine ~ This is a great way to get people back to your site. It's also a great way to connect with them. You can also use your newsletter to promote products. Don't however, make your newsletter a sales piece, make it something that people want to read.
~ Give people more than one opportunity to Buy ~ You don't want to fill your web pages with links to products. However, to make the most money possible as an Amazon affiliate, you should give people more than one option to click a link. Make sure that you weave the links into the text of your article so that it reads well with the rest of what you've written. Try to make visitors want to click your link to get more information.
~ Don't Forget to Work on Your Traffic ~ The simple fact is that you have to get lots of traffic in order to make sales. It's just the way it works. Make it a habit to constantly work on growing your traffic. Create new pages that have well chosen keywords, work to get back links, use forums to grow traffic, etc.
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