Showing posts with label rude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rude. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

How to Earn Your Wife's Respect (4 Steps)

Follow through on things you say you will do. This is one of the most important ways to earn anyone's respect, but particularly your wife's. If you commit to a task, do it in a timely manner and do it to the best of your ability. When your wife sees that she can count on you, she will gain a deeper level of respect for you.
Maintain a high level of courtesy when talking with your wife. Over time, many couples begin to talk to each other without considering what they are saying or how they are saying it. Refrain from being rude, vulgar or profane in your conversations. Be polite and courteous with your wife to gain her respect.
Display sound morals and values. If you are honest, considerate and a general upstanding person that is quick to help others, slow to pass judgment and easy to talk to, you have a sound moral character. And in your wife's eyes, this is a quality to respect. This is particularly poignant if she shares the same morals and values because it shows that you value the same respectable attributes.
Respect others around you. It does no good to work hard at attaining your wife's respect if she sees that you don't respect other people around you, including your children, your friends and people with whom you work. The old adage applies here: treat people how you would want to be treated. A respectful person is a person worthy of respect.
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