Showing posts with label Activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Activity. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015

How to Earn Merit Badges As a Daisy Girl Scout

Learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law. The first thing Daisies aim to do is earn Daisy Petals as they learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law. As a Daisy learns each part of the promise and law, she earns a different colored petal. For example, a Daisy can earn a yellow petal representing the promise to be friendly and helpful, by drawing a picture of herself when she did something friendly and helpful. She can earn the blue petal, representing honesty and fairness, by finding examples in activity materials that reflect that characteristic. Once all the petals are earned, they are ironed onto the front of the Daisy uniform.
Learn about Girl Scout Cookies. Daisies can earn a pin by participating in age-appropriate learning activities on around Girl Scout Cookie sales. Daisies learn the five skills of selling Girl Scout cookies through age-appropriate activities. Once completed, they earn the Girl Scout Cookie Activity pin.
Work through activities in the Asthma Awareness Program book. The 'Asthma Awareness Program: Helping Girls Breathe Easier' book teaches Daisies about the respiratory system and how breathing functions, in age-appropriate language. Making healthy eating choices, avoiding cigarette smoke and learning about relaxation techniques to avoid asthma triggers are part of this learning module. Once completed, Daisies earn the Asthma Awareness participation patch.
Work through the Shape UP! program. The Shape UP! program is designed to teach physical health and healthy eating habits. Daisies complete at least 30 minutes of physical activity three times a week for three months and complete all the nutrition activities appropriate for their age level in the 'Shape UP! for Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies' handbook. Once they complete these assignments, they earn a Shape UP! participation patch.
Participate in the White House Project. The White House Project teaches girls about leadership and embracing the idea of a female president. Daisies can choose from among age-appropriate activities, designed especially for them to earn this participation patch. Activities include matching historic women leaders with their descriptions, drawing a picture or telling a story to show how a young girl can be a leader, or participating in an activity to better your neighborhood. On completion, Daisies earn the Ms. President participation patch.
Learn about the world. Daisies learn about the eight United Nations' Millennium Development Goals when earning this participation patch. Girls complete one or more activities such as describing a time when she felt very hungry, visiting a local garden and offering to help weed or plant, or making a list of things that run on electricity. Daisies can earn the Global Action patch by participating in this activity.
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