Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Make Money Quick on Weekends (6 Steps)

Ask your elderly neighbors if they need a personal shopper. You probably are going to the grocery store anyway and you could piggyback this job with an everyday event. Whether you are paid to give them a ride to the store or they hand you a list to pick up the groceries, this service can be a weekend opportunity to make a few extra bucks.
Put together your items and have a garage sale. Now it is the middle of winter, so you will need to plan accordingly, but folks love to get out on weekends and having a sale inside your garage could do really well. In the summer months, you can plan a garage sale Saturday or Sunday and get a lot of folks to stop by to purchase your used items.
To make extra cash consider becoming a product demonstrator. Setting up a little table at a local grocery store, you give away samples of food products, information and coupons. This job is one that can be short hours with great pay (right around $17 an hour.)
Weekend money making could include watching the neighbor kids. Most of the week is already booked out with daycare and other opportunities, but parents who want a night on the town would love the chance to pay someone to watch their kids on Friday or Saturday night.
A weekend caterer is another amazingly open money making job. Here, you can work on functions that only happen on the weekends. A lot of people find work at local churches and community centers when groups meet.
Teach a class to share your skills with others. If every other Saturday you taught a class and 5 students showed up with $30 each, you would have had a great weekend. There are so many things to teach as well. Computer skills, languages, instructive actions (how to take pictures, etc.) and the list goes on.
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