Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to Get Companies to Advertise on Your Website

Fill your website with copy that is relevant to your subject matter and filled with appropriate keywords. For instance, if your website is about cooking, it should contain general keywords that are relative to cooking, such as 'cooking,' 'cooking tips,' 'recipes' and/or more specific keywords such as 'vegetarian cooking' or 'dessert recipes.' Use Google's keyword tool to find keywords relative to your site. These keywords will help you find relative advertisers
Sign up for a free account with Google AdSense, which is Google's advertising program that works with affiliated companies to automatically place advertising on your website.
Enter your website address and other information about your website, such as the primary language, your country, personal information, and PayPal account information. When your account setup is complete, Google will automatically place ads on your website that are relative to its content; for instance, a cooking website may have ads from Pampered Chef, Bed Bath and Beyond and Food Network. Every time a visitor clicks on a Google ad on your website, you earn money. Thus, it is important that your website is optimized for the search engines and receives a lot of traffic.
Search for an affiliate program to place additional ads on your site. Online services like's affiliate program work similar to Google AdSense. When you sign up with the Amazon affiliate program, ads for and are placed on your website. You earn money every time a visitor clicks on an ad. The program is free and simply requires you to create an account to begin.
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