Showing posts with label party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Make Money Buying Selling Gold

Invest in a gold testing kit and scale. You will need to test the gold that you agree to purchase before purchasing. You will also need to weigh the gold as you will be purchasing by weight. You will also need to start with some cash on hand to make your first purchases.
Have a gold party. Ask friends and family to gather together and bring old jewelry they do not want or scraps of gold. Test the gold and offer an amount to the owner that is less than what you can get for it, so that you can later sell it. A good incentive for a hostess to have a party is to offer a small percentage to her as well.
Advertise yourself as someone who buys scrap gold. You can have business cards, use word of mouth from the parties, or create flyers that give information on how someone can earn money bringing you scrap gold.
Have relationships with local pawn shops. While many of them may be buying and selling gold for their own profit, some may find it too tedious and decide not to. Offer your services to take any scrap or unclaimed gold off their hands.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How to Make Real Money in Virtual Worlds (6 Steps)

Set up a virtual character and establish yourself in the virtual world. Determine what virtual skills are popular and sought after. Acquire the skills you need to live well in the virtual world you have chosen.
Find people who want the virtual skills you have acquired and sell them. Find a third party that puts buyers and sellers together.
Design items for other players and sell them within the game. Design clothing, games within the game or anything else you can anticipate players wanting. Market your items both within the game and without.
Get paid in virtual dollars. Use the game's money exchange system to get the money changed into real money. Use a third-party virtual exchange system if the game doesn't have its own.
Teach other players how to make real money in virtual worlds and charge them for it. Hold paid, virtual seminars to teach your new skills and then exchange your money into real world cash.
Invest in the future of the virtual world by developing desirable property and continuing to build virtual real estate that can be sold later.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Earn the Highest Settlement Compensation

Judgment plays a greater part than luck. How you conduct your settlement compensation case, the quality of the legal expertise behind the team of specialists, and even the state you live in or the state in which your case is heard, can have a bearing on the level of compensation you receive.
Accept that to earn the highest settlement compensation that you can you are probably going to have to hire legal help in the form of a lawyer. The third party you are claiming against, the people who will have to foot the bill for your settlement, will most certainly hire a lawyer to fight for them, so you should do the same.
Fortunately, there is no shortage of lawyers in the United States. When you know what type of compensation you are seeking, whether it is for personal injury, for loss of earning capacity both now and in the future, or whether it is settlement compensation for negligence by your employer, there will be a legal firm with the specialist staff to perfectly build your case.
If you are unsure over what compensation you may be entitled to, or whether it would be worth claiming for settlement compensation at all, many legal firms will offer a free initial consultation in order to assess whether or not you have a case for compensation. Unless you are a legal expert yourself, don't assume you know all the answers as sometimes, even in cases where you yourself are at fault, there can be a case for a compensation claim.
You can help in the presentation of the case by keeping meticulous records of everything to do with the accident that caused you to seek a compensation settlement. Medical records, witness statements and contact details, police records and photographic evidence where possible, should all be in your case file.
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