Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015

How to Know Where I Can Donate Plasma for Money in Austin, Texas

Navigate to the Find a Donation Center page on the Donating or Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association website (see link in Resources). Enter “Austin” in the City field, “Texas” in the State field and then select “United States” on the Country drop-down menu. Alternatively, enter a specific Austin ZIP code in the ZIP Code field.
Select “View All” on the Results drop-down menu or select the number of miles around Austin that you want to search, such as “25,” “50,” “75” or “100.”
Click the “Search” button to see results for plasma collection centers located in Austin such as BioLife Plasma Services, DCI Biologicals and Biomat USA.
Call a company using the phone number provided in the Find a Donation Center search results. Ask the company's representative if they pay for plasma donations. If you can’t reach a company, use the website link provided to access the company's home page. Locate the Contact Us or similar page and then try again.
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