Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Earn Passive Income Online on Autopilot

Build a niche website on a profitable topic in which you're an expert or about something that excites you. Writing about your passion can be a great way to build content on a theme-specific site.Not a writer? Team up with a writer and provide graphic design, tech support or marketing and split the site's proceeds equitably. A good contract is important if you got this route. You could also own the website and outsource your content writing, but start up costs will be much higher.
Find affiliate programs that fit your website topic. Promote them through your site, newsletter, email and social networking. Affiliate marketing online can be quite lucrative when done successfully.
Write and sell eBooks and other information products. Infopreneurs make up a new class of entrepreneurs, creating and marketing information products.
Take digital photographs and sign up for websites that pay you per download of your picture. Excellent camera skills, Photoshop experience and a good eye will go a long way toward making this venture worthwhile. Sub par photography won't sell at all.
Write a conventional, paper-published book and have it published by a mainstream press. Market it online to increase sales volumes and your royalties.
Write for revenue sharing content sites, such as eHow, Xomba, HubPages, Suite101, Squidoo, Associated Content and Helium. Income generated from these sites makes up a large portion of my online passive income each month. Choose 2-3 sites to concentrate on and build up a large collection of articles on your chosen sites. Done right, this can be quite lucrative.
Earn passive income online blogging. Some bloggers earn six-figure incomes from one niche blog. Once the blog is established, you will earn residual income from older posts as well as new ones.
VPS Hosting

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